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lucetc is the Lucet Compiler.

The Rust crate lucetc provides an executable lucetc.

It compiles WebAssembly modules (.wasm or .wat files) into native code (.o or .so files).


lucetc example.wasm --output --bindings lucet-wasi/bindings.json --reserved-size 64MiB --opt-level best

This command compiles example.wasm, a WebAssembly module, into a shared library At run time, the heap can grow up to 64 MiB.

Lucetc can produce ELF (on Linux) and Mach-O (on macOS) objects and libraries. For debugging purposes or code analysis, it can also dump Cranelift code.


    lucetc [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [--] [input]

        --count-instructions    Instrument the produced binary to count the number of wasm operations the translated
                                program executes
    -h, --help                  Prints help information
        --signature-keygen      Create a new key pair
        --signature-create      Sign the object file
    -V, --version               Prints version information
        --signature-verify      Verify the signature of the source file

        --bindings <bindings>...                   path to bindings json file
        --emit <emit>
            type of code to generate (default: so) [possible values: obj, so, clif]

        --guard-size <guard_size>                  size of linear memory guard. must be multiple of 4k. default: 4 MiB
        --max-reserved-size <max_reserved_size>
            maximum size of usable linear memory region. must be multiple of 4k. default: 4 GiB

        --min-reserved-size <min_reserved_size>
            minimum size of usable linear memory region. must be multiple of 4k. default: 4 MiB

        --opt-level <opt_level>
            optimization level (default: 'speed_and_size'). 0 is alias to 'none', 1 to 'speed', 2 to 'speed_and_size'
            [possible values: 0, 1, 2, none, speed, speed_and_size]
    -o, --output <output>                          output destination, defaults to a.out if unspecified
        --signature-pk <pk_path>                   Path to the public key to verify the source code signature
        --precious <precious>                      directory to keep intermediate build artifacts in
        --reserved-size <reserved_size>
            exact size of usable linear memory region, overriding --{min,max}-reserved-size. must be multiple of 4k

        --signature-sk <sk_path>
            Path to the secret key to sign the object file. The file can be prefixed with "raw:" in order to store a
            raw, unencrypted secret key

    <input>    input file

External symbols

By default, compiled files cannot call any external function. Not even WASI's. Allowed external functions have to be explicitly listed in bindings JSON file, that have the following format:

    "wasi_unstable": {
        "symbol_name_1": "native_symbol_name_1",
        "symbol_name_n": "native_symbol_name_n",

The example above allows the WebAssembly module to refer to an external symbol symbol_name_1, that maps to the native symbol native_symbol_name_1.

The --bindings command-line switch can be used more than once in order to split the definitions into multiple files.

When using WASI, the bindings.json file shipped with lucet-wasi can be used in order to import all the symbols available in the lucet-wasi runtime.

Memory limits

  • --max-reserved-size <size> makes the compiler assume that the heap will never grow more than <size> bytes. The compiler will generate code optimized for that size, inserting bound checks with static values whenever necessary. As a side effect, the module will trap if the limit is ever reached, even if the runtime could allow the heap to grow even further.

  • --min-reserved-size <size> sets the maximum heap size the runtime should use.

  • --reserved-size <size> is a shortcut to set both values simultaneously, and is the recommended way to configure how much memory the module can use. The default is only 4 MiB, so this is something you may want to increase.

  • --guard-size <size> controls how much virtual memory with no read nor write access is reserved after an instance's heap. The compiler can avoid some bound checking when it is safe to do so according to this value.

Optimization levels

  • --opt-level 0 makes the compilation as fast as possible, but the resulting code itself may not be optimal.

  • --opt-level 1 generates fast code, but does not run passes intended to reduce code size.

  • --opt-level 2 generates the fastest and smallest, but is compilation is about twice as slow as 0.