
KillSwitch is a mechanism by which users of lucet-runtime can asynchronously request, very sternly, that an lucet_runtime::Instance be disabled from running.

If the instance is currently running, it will be stopped as soon as possible. If the instance has not yet started running, it will immediately exit with an error when the lucet embedder attempts to run it.

KillSwitch easily interoperates with Lucet's instance suspend/resume machinery: suspending an instance is, from the instance's point of view, just a (possibly very long) hostcall. Termination of a suspended instance behaves like termination in any other hostcall: witnessed when the instance is resumed and the "hostcall" exits.

In some circumstances, a KillSwitch may successfully fire to no actual effect at any point in the program - one such example is termination in a hostcall that eventually faults; since termination cannot preempt hostcalls, the termination may never be witnessed if the fault causes the host to never resume the Lucet instance.

In this chapter we will describe a typical usage of KillSwitch as a mechanism to enforce execution time limits. Then, we will discuss the implementation complexities that KillSwitch must address to be correct.

KillSwitch are valid for termination only on the instance call after they are created, or until an instance is reset. When a call into a guest returns, the shared state by which KillSwitch signal is replaced, and an attempt to terminate will fail with an Err.

Example: KillSwitch used as a timeout mechanism

This example is taken from lucet_runtime_tests::timeout::timeout_in_guest:

fn main() {
let module = mock_timeout_module();
let region = <TestRegion as RegionCreate>::create(1, &Limits::default())
    .expect("region can be created");
let mut inst = region
    .expect("instance can be created");
let kill_switch = inst.kill_switch();

// Spawn a thread to terminate the instance after waiting for 100ms.
let t = thread::Builder::new()
    .spawn(move || {
        assert_eq!(kill_switch.terminate(), Ok(KillSuccess::Signalled));
    .expect("can spawn a thread");

// Begin running the instance, which will be terminated remotely by the KillSwitch.
match"infinite_loop", &[]) {
    Err(Error::RuntimeTerminated(TerminationDetails::Remote)) => {
        // the result of a guest that was remotely terminated (a KillSwitch at work)
    res => panic!("unexpected result: {:?}", res),

// wait for the KillSwitch-firing thread to complete


As this section discusses implementation details of lucet_runtime, it will refer to structures and enums that are unexported. For most components of Lucet's KillSwitch functionality, defintions live in lucet-runtime-internals/src/instance/

KillState and Domain, around which most of the implementation is centered, are both defined here and are internal to Lucet. As a result, fully qualified paths such as instance::execution::Domain may be used below and not have corresponding entries visible in rustdoc - these items exist in the crate source though!

As much as is possible, KillSwitch tries to be self-contained; no members are public, and it tries to avoid leaking details of its state-keeping into public interfaces. Currently, lucet-runtime is heavily dependent on POSIX thread-directed signals to implement guest termination. For non-POSIX platforms alternate implementations may be plausible, but need careful consideration of the race conditions that can arise from other platform-specific functionality.

KillSwitch fundamentally relies on two pieces of state for safe operation, which are encapsulated in a KillState held by the Instance it terminates:

  • execution_domain, a Domain that describes the kind of execution that is currently happening in the Instance.
    • This is kept in a Mutex since in many cases it will need to be accessed either by a KillSwitch or KillState, both of which must block other users while they are considering the domain.
  • terminable, an AtomicBool that indicates if the Instance may stop executing.
    • terminable is in some ways a subset of the information expressed by Domain. It is true if and only if the instance is not obligated to a specific exit mechanism yet, which could be determined by examing the active Domain at points we check terminable instead. Even though this is duplicative, it is necessary for a correct implementation when POSIX signal handlers are involved, because it is extremely inadvisable to take locks in a signal handler. While a Mutex can be dangerous, we can share an AtomicBool in signal-safety-constrained code with impunity! See the section Timeout while handling a guest fault for more details on working under this constraint.

The astute observer may notice that Lucet contains both an instance Domain and an instance State. These discuss different aspects of the instance's lifecycle: Domain describes what the instance is doing right now, where State describes the state of the instance as visible outside lucet_runtime. This is fundamentally the reason why State does not and cannot describe a "making a hostcall" variant - this is not something lucet_runtime wants to expose, and at the moment we don't intend to make any commitments about being able to query instance-internal state like this.

Additionally, this is why Domain::Terminated only expresses that an instance has stopped running, not if it successfully or unsuccessfully exited. From Domain's perspective, the instance has stopped running, and that's all there is to it. The Instance's State will describe how the instance stopped, and if that's by a return or a fault.

Termination Mechanisms

At a high level,KillSwitch picks one of several mechanisms to terminate an instance. The mechanism selected depends on the instance's current Domain:

Domain::Guest is likely to be the most common termination form. lucet_runtime will send a thread-directed SIGARLM to the thread running the Lucet instance that currently is in guest code.

Domain::Hostcall results in the mechanism with least guarantees: lucet_runtime can't know if it's safe to signal in arbitrary host-provided code[1]. Instead, we set the execution domain to Domain::Terminated and wait for the host code to complete, at which point lucet_runtime will exit the guest.

Domain::Pending is the easiest domain to stop execution in: we simply update the execution domain to Cancelled. In enter_guest_region, we see that the instance is no longer eligible to run and exit before handing control to the guest.

Other variants of Domain imply an instance state where there is no possible termination mechanism. Domain::Terminated indicates that the instance has already been terminated, and Domain::Cancelled indicates that the instance has already been preemptively stopped.

Guest Signalling

There are two other pieces of information attached to KillState that support the specific case where we need to send a SIGALRM: the thread ID we need to signal, and a Condvar we can wait on to know when the instance has been stopped.

The thread ID is necessary because we don't record where the instance is running anywhere else. We keep it here because, so far, KillState is the only place we actually need to care. Condvar allows lucet_runtime to avoid a spin loop while waiting for signal handling machinery to actually terminate an Instance in Domain::Guest.


Having described both KillState and the termination mechanisms it helps select, we can discuss the actual lifecycle of the KillState for a call into an Instance and see how these pieces begin to fit together.

Because KillState only describes one call into an instance, an Instance may have many KillState over its lifetime. Even so, at one specific time there is only one KillState, which describes the current, or imminent, call into the instance.

Execution of a Lucet Instance begins with a default KillState: in the Pending domain, terminable set to true, with no thread_id as it is not currently running. When a call is made to Instance::run, the Instance's bootstrap context is set up and KillState::schedule is called to set up last-minute state before the instance begins running.

lucet_runtime shortly thereafter will switch to the Instance and begin executing its bootstrapping code. In enter_guest_region the guest will lock and update the execution domain to Guest, or see the instance is Domain::Cancelled and exit. If the instance could run, we proceed into the AOT-compiled Wasm.

At some point, the instance will likely make a hostcall to embedder-provided or lucet_runtime-provided code; correctly-implemented hostcalls are wrapped in begin_hostcall and end_hostcall to take care of runtime bookkeeping, including updating execution_domain to Domain::Hostcall (begin_hostcall) and afterwards checking that the instance can return to guest code, setting execution_domain back to Domain::Guest (end_hostcall).

At some point the instance will hopefully exit, where in lucet_context_backstop we check that the instance may stop exiting (KillState::terminable). If it can exit, then do so. Finally, back in lucet_runtime, we can KillState::deschedule to tear down the last of the run-specific state - the thread_id.

Implementation Complexities (When You Have A Scheduler Full Of Demons)

Many devils live in the details. The rest of this chapter will discuss the numerous edge cases and implementation concerns that Lucet's asynchronous signal implementation must consider, and arguments for its correctness in the face of these.

First, a flow chart of the various states and their transitions: state flow chart

This graph describes the various states that reflect values of execution_domain and terminable for those states, with edges describing transitions between domains including termination in non-race scenarios. The rest of this section discusses the correctness of termination at boundaries where these state transitions occur.

For reference later, the possible state transitions are:

  • A -> B (instance runs guest code)
  • A -> D (KillSwitch fires before instance runs)
  • B -> C (guest makes a hostcall)
  • B -> E (normal guest exit)
  • B -> E (from a guest fault/termination)
  • C -> B (hostcall returns to guest)
  • C -> E (hostcall terminates instance)
  • C -> E (hostcall observes termination)
    • not an internal state but we will also discuss termination during a hostcall fault
  • D -> E (cancelled guest is run)

These will be covered in rough order of complexity, starting with the simplest cases and ending with the race which has shown itself to have the most corners. Races involving Domain::Guest tend to be trickiest, and consequently are further down.

A -> D - Termination before instance runs

This is a timeout while another KillSwitch has already fired, timing out a guest before exeuction. Because another KillSwitch must have fired for there to be a race, one of the two will acquire terminable and actually update execution_domain, while the other simply exits.

D -> E - Termination when cancelled guest is run

Terminating a previously cancelled guest will have no effect - termination must have occurred already, so the KillSwitch that fired will not acquire terminable, and will return without ceremony.

C -> B - Termination when hostcall returns to guest

The case of a KillSwitch firing while exiting from a hostcall is very similar to termination while entering a hostcall.

The KillSwitch might observe a guest in Domain::Guest, prohibit a state change, and signal the guest. Alternatively, the KillSwitch can observe the guest in Domain::Hostcall and update the guest to Domain::Terminated. In the latter case, the guest will be free to run when the KillSwitch returns, at which point it will have the same behavior as termination in any hostcall.

C -> E - Termination during hostcall terminating instance

The KillSwitch that fires acquires terminable and then attempts to acquire a lock on execution_domain. The KillSwitch will see Domain::Hostcall, and will update to Domain::Terminated. The shared KillState will be not used by lucet_runtime again in the future, because after returning to the host it will be replaced by a new KillState.

C -> E - Termination repeatedly during hostcall

Termination while a hostcall is already observing an earlier termination will have no effect. The KillSwitch that fired last will not acquire terminable, and will return without ceremony.

B -> C - Termination when guest makes a hostcall

If a KillSwitch fires during a transition from guest (B) to hostcall (C) code, there are two circumstances also contingent on whether the instance has switched to Domain::Hostcall.

Before switching to Domain::Hostcall

The KillSwitch that fires locks execution_domain and sees the execution domain is Domain::Guest. It then uses typical guest termination macinery and signals the guest. An important correctness subtlety here is that KillSwitch holds the execution_domain lock until the guest is terminated, so the guest cannot simultaneously proceed into hostcall code and receieve a stray SIGALRM.

After switching to Domain::Hostcall

The KillSwitch that fires acquires terminable and then attempts to acquire a lock on execution_domain. Because the instance is switching to or has switched to Domain::Hostcall, the KillSwitch will select the termination style for hostcalls. It will update the execution domain to Domain::Terminated and the instance will return when the hostcall exits and the Terminated domain is observed.

A -> B - Termination while entering guest code

If a KillSwitch fires between instance initialization (A) and the start of guest execution (B), there are two circumstances to consider: does the termination occur before or after the Lucet instance has switched to Domain::Guest?

Before switching to Domain::Guest

The KillSwitch that fires acquires terminable and then locks execution_domain to determine the appropriate termination mechanism. This is before the instance has locked it in enter_guest_region, so it will acquire the lock, with a state of Domain::Pending. Seeing a pending instance, the KillSwitch will update it to Domain::Cancelled and release the lock, at which point the instance will acquire the lock, observe the instance is Cancelled, and return to the host without executing any guest code.

After switching to Domain::Guest

The KillSwitch that fires acquires terminable and then attempts to acquire a lock on execution_domain to determine the appropriate termination mechanism. Because the instance has already locked execution_domain to update it to Domain::Guest, this blocks until the instance releases the lock (and guest code is running). At this point, the instance is running guest code and it is safe for the KillSwitch to operate as if it were terminating any other guest code - with the same machinery as an instance in state B (a SIGALRM).

B -> E - Termination during normal guest exit

The KillSwitch that fires attempts to acquire terminable, but is in a race with the teardown in lucet_context_backstop. Both functions attempt to swap false into terminable, but only one will see true out of it. This acts as an indicator for which function may continue, where the other may have to take special care as to not leave the instance in a state that would be dangerous to signal.

Guest acquires terminable

The guest exits in the next handful of instructions. The KillSwitch that failed to acquire the true in terminable exits with an indication that it could not terminate the guest. In this circunstance, we are certain that there is a non-conditional and short path out of the guest comprising a return from exit_guest_region and a context swap back to the host code. Timeouts "failing" due to this are only failing because the guest is about to exit, and a signal would have no interesting additional benefit.

KillSwitch acquires terminable

In a more unfortunate circumstance, the KillSwitch is what observed the true out of terminable. In this case, the guest observed false and must not proceed, so that whenever an imminent SIGALRM from the corresponding KillSwitch arrives, it will be in a guaranteed-to-be-safe spin loop, or on its way there with only signal-safe state.

The KillSwitch itself will signal the guest as any other Domain::Guest interruption.

B -> E - Termination during guest fault, or terminated twice

In this sub-section we assume that the Lucet signal handler is being used, and will discuss the properties KillSwitch requires from any signal handler for correctness.

The KillSwitch that fires attempts to acquire terminable. Because a guest fault or termination has occurred, the guest is actually in lucet_runtime_internals::instance::signals::handle_signal. If termination occurs while the guest is already responding to a previous KillSwitch's termination, the second KillSwitch will see terminable of false and quickly exit. Otherwise, terminable is true and we have to handle...

Terminated while handling a guest fault

In the case that a KillSwitch fires during a guest fault, the KillSwitch may acquire terminable. POSIX signal handlers are highly constrained, see man 7 signal-safety for details. The functional constraint imposed on signal handlers used with Lucet is that they may not lock on KillState's execution_domain.

As a consequence, a KillSwitch may fire during the handling of a guest fault. sigaction must mask SIGALRM so that a signal fired before the handler exits does not preempt the handler. If the signal behavior is to continue without effect, leave termination in place and continue to the guest. A pending SIGALRM will be raised at this point and the instance will exit. Otherwise, the signal handler has determined it must return to the host, and must be sensitive to a possible in-flight KillSwitch...

Instance-stopping guest fault with concurrent KillSwitch

In this case we must consider three constraints:

  • A KillSwitch may fire and deliver a SIGALRM at any point
  • A SIGALRM may already have been fired, pending on the handler returning
  • The signal handler must return to host code

First, we handle the risk of a KillSwitch firing: disable termination. If we acquire terminable, we know this is to the exclusion of any KillSwitch, and are safe to return. Otherwise, some KillSwitch has terminated, or is in the process of terminating, this guest's execution. This means a SIGALRM may be pending or imminent!

A slightly simpler model is to consider that a SIGALRM may arrive in the future. This way, for correctness we only have to make sure we handle the signal we can be sent! We know that we must return to the host, and the guest fault that occurred is certainly more interesting than the guest termination, so we would like to preserve that information. There is no information or effect we want from the signal, so silence the alarm on KillState. This way, if we recieve the possible SIGARLM, we know to ignore it.

An important question to ask is "How do we know the possible SIGARLM must be ignored? Could it not be for another instance later on that thread?" The answer is, in short, "We ensure it cannot!"

The SIGARLM is thread-directed, so to be an alarm for some other reason, another instance would have to run and be terminated. To prevent this, we must prevent another instance from running. Additionally, if a SIGALRM is in flight, we need to stop and wait anyway. Since KillSwitch maintains a lock on execution_domain as long as it's attempting to terminate a guest, we can achieve both of these goals by taking, and immediately dropping, a lock on execution_domain before descheduling an instance.

Even taking this lock is interesting:

  1. This lock could be taken while racing a KillSwitch, after it has observed it may fire but before advancing to take this lock.
  2. This lock could be taken while racing a KillSwitch, after it has taken this lock.
  3. This lock could be taken without racing a KillSwitch.

In the first case, we've won a race on execution_domain, but there might be a KillSwitch we're blocking with this. Disarm the KillSwitch by updating the domain to Terminated, which reflects the fact that this instance has exited.

In the second case, descheduling until the KillSwitch has completed termination. The domain will be Terminated, and updating to Terminated has no effect. We simply use this lock to prevent continuting into the host until an in-flight KillSwitch completes.

In the third case, we're not racing a KillSwitch, and any method of exiting the guest will have disabled termination. No KillSwitch will observe a changed execution_domain, so it's not incorrect to update it to Terminated.

Taken together, this ensures that descheduling an instance serializes in-flight KillSwitch or prevents one from taking effect in a possibly-incorrect way, so we know this race is handled correctly.

Terminated in hostcall fault

As promised, a note about what happens when a timeout occurs directly when a hostcall faults! The instance's execution_domain must be Domain::Hostcall, as it's a hostcall that faulted. The KillSwitch may or may not fire before the signal handler disables termination. Even if it does fire, it will lock the shared execution_domain and see Domain::Hostcall, where the domain will be updated to Domain::Terminated. Since the hostcall will not resume, end_hostcall will never see that the instance should stop, and no further effect will be had; regardless of KillSwitch effect, the instance will exit through the signal handler with a Faulted state. Additionally, because faulted instances cannot be resumed, end_hostcall will never witness the timeout.

[1]: For example, the code we would like to interrupt may hold locks, which we can't necessarily guarantee drop. In a non-locking example, the host code could be resizing a Vec shared outside that function, where interrupting the resize could yield various forms of broken behavior.