Compiling on Linux

We successfully compiled Lucet on Arch Linux, Fedora, Gentoo and Ubuntu. Only x86_64 CPUs are supported at this time.

Option 1: installation on Ubuntu, with a sidecar installation of LLVM/clang

The following instructions only work on Ubuntu. They install a recent version of LLVM and clang (in /opt/wasi-sdk), so that WebAssembly code can be compiled on Ubuntu versions older than 19.04.

First, the curl and cmake packages must be installed:

apt install curl ca-certificates cmake

You will need to install wasi-sdk as well. Note that you may need to run dpkg with elevated privileges to install the package.

curl -sS -L -O \
    && dpkg -i wasi-sdk_10.0_amd64.deb && rm -f wasi-sdk_10.0_amd64.deb

Install the latest stable version of the Rust compiler:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env

Enter your clone of the Lucet repository, and then fetch/update the submodules:

cd lucet

git submodule update --init --recursive

Finally, compile the toolchain:

make install

In order to use clang to compile WebAssembly code, you need to adjust your PATH to use tools from /opt/wasi-sdk/bin instead of the system compiler. Or use set of commands prefixed by wasm-wasi-, such as wasm32-wasi-clang instead of clang.

Option 2: installation on a recent Linux system, using the base compiler

Support for WebAssembly was introduced in LLVM 8, released in March 2019.

As a result, Lucet can be compiled with an existing LLVM installation, provided that it is up to date. Most distributions now include LLVM >= 8, so that an additional installation is not required to compile to WebAssembly .

On distributions such as Ubuntu (19.04 or newer) and Debian (bullseye or newer), the following command installs the prerequisites:

apt install curl ca-certificates clang lld cmake

On Arch Linux:

pacman -S curl clang lld cmake

Next, install the WebAssembly compiler builtins:

curl -sL | \
  sudo tar x -zf - -C /usr/lib/llvm-*/lib/clang/*

Install the latest stable version of the Rust compiler:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env

Install the WASI sysroot:

mkdir -p /opt
curl -L | \
sudo tar x -zv -C /opt -f - wasi-sdk-10.0/share && \
  sudo ln -s /opt/wasi-sdk-*/share/wasi-sysroot /opt/wasi-sysroot

Enter your clone of the Lucet repository, and then fetch/update the submodules:

cd lucet

git submodule update --init --recursive

Set the LLVM path:

export LLVM_BIN=/usr/lib/llvm-*/bin

Finally, install the Lucet toolchain with:

make install

and update your shell's environment variables:

source /opt/lucet/bin/

You may want to add these environment variables to your shell's configuration.

The standard system compiler can be used to compile to WebAssembly, simply by adding --host=wasm32-wasi to the compilation flags.