
The cargo-wasi project is a subcommand for Cargo which provides a convenient set of defaults for building and running Rust code on the wasm32-wasi target. The cargo wasi command makes compiling Rust code to WASI buttery-smooth with built-in defaults to avoid needing to manage a myriad of tools as part of building a wasm executable.

WASI is a developing standard and we hope to make it very easy to develop Rust code for WASI to both influence the standard as well as ensure that Rust code follows WASI best practices. Keep reading for more information about how this all works!


To install cargo-wasi you'll first want to install Rust itself, which you'll need anyway for building Rust code! Once you've got Rust installed you can install cargo-wasi with:

$ cargo install cargo-wasi

This will install a precompiled binary for most major platforms or install from source if we don't have a precompiled binary for your platform. If you would like to see a precompiled binary for your platform please file an issue!.

To verify that your installation works, you can execute:

$ cargo wasi --version

and that should print both the version number as well as git information about where the binary was built from.

Now that everything is set, let's build some code for wasi!

Building from Source

Installing from via cargo install cargo-wasi will install precompiled binaries. These binaries are built on the cargo-wasi repository's CI and are uploaded to as part of the publication process. If you'd prefer to install from source, you can execute this command instead:

$ cargo install cargo-wasi-src

Hello, World!

Let's see an example of how to run the WASI version of "Hello, World!". This'll end up looking very familiar to the Rust version of "Hello, World!" as well. First up let's create a new project with Cargo:

$ cargo new wasi-hello-world
     Created binary (application) `wasi-hello-world` package
$ cd wasi-hello-world

This creates a wasi-hello-world folder which has a default Cargo.toml and src/ The is the entry point for our program and currently contains println!("Hello, world!");. Everything should be set up for us to execute (no code needed!) so let's run the code inside of the wasi-hello-world directory:

$ cargo wasi run
error: failed to find `wasmtime` in $PATH, you'll want to install `wasmtime` before running this command

Oh dear, that failed very quickly! For this command though we need to have a way to actually execute the WebAssembly binary that Rust will produce. The cargo wasi subcommand by default supports wasmtime, and the error message should have instructions of how to install wasmtime. You can also view installation instructions on the wasmtime website.

Once we've got wasmtime installed, make sure it's working via:

$ wasmtime --version

Note that you may have to open a new shell for this to ensure PATH changes take effect.

Ok, now that we've got a runtime installed, let's retry executing our binary:

$ cargo wasi run
info: downloading component 'rust-std' for 'wasm32-wasi'
info: installing component 'rust-std' for 'wasm32-wasi'
   Compiling wasi-hello-world v0.1.0 (/code/wasi-hello-world)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.15s
     Running `/.cargo/bin/cargo-wasi target/wasm32-wasi/debug/wasi-hello-world.wasm`
     Running `target/wasm32-wasi/debug/wasi-hello-world.wasm`
Hello, world!

Success! The command first used rustup to install the Rust wasm32-wasi target automatically, and then we executed cargo to build the WebAssembly binary. Finally wasmtime was used and we can see that Hello, world! was printed by our program.

After this we're off to the races in developing our crate. Be sure to check out the rest of this book for more information about what you can do with cargo wasi. Additionally if this is your first time using Cargo, be sure to check out Cargo's introductory documentation as well

Steps run by cargo wasi

The cargo wasi subcommand is intended to be a convenience when developing Rust code for WASI, but is not required. It is a thin wrapper around the general "toolchain" of building WebAssembly code. Building WebAssembly code can be relatively involved and have a nontrivial number of moving parts, so having a convenience like cargo wasi becomes quite nice quite quickly, but it's important to also understand what cargo wasi is doing under the hood!

This section will explain the various steps that cargo wasi internally takes care of for you. Be sure to check out the reference documentation for an exhaustive list of ways to run and configure cargo wasi.

Managing the wasm32-wasi target

The Rust installer does not install the wasm32-wasi Rust standard library by default, but to compile any code for wasm32-wasi you'll need to be sure to have this target installed for your Rust toolchain. The cargo wasi subcommand will automatically execute, if necessary:

rustup target add wasm32-wasi

For systems not using rustup it will generate an error indicating whether or not the wasm32-wasi target is installed.

Ensuring a wasmtime runtime is installed

As we saw previously when running "Hello, world!" a wasmtime executable is required to execute WASI code locally. The cargo wasi subcommand will verify that it is installed and provide an understandable error message if it isn't, also recommending how to install wasmtime.

Automatically configure Cargo for wasm32-wasi

Whenever cargo wasi is used it will automatically pass --target wasm32-wasi to all Cargo subcommands that are invoked. This avoids you having to type this all out on each command.

Further optimizing WebAssembly with wasm-opt

The Rust compiler usese LLVM's WebAssembly backend to produce WebAssembly code. LLVM itself is an extremely good optimizing compiler, but LLVM's WebAssembly backend is unfortunately not quite as optimized as its other backends (such as X86). Standard practice today is to execute the wasm-opt tool (part of the binaryen project) to further optimize a WebAssembly binary.

For LLVM-optimized WebAssembly binaries wasm-opt normally doesn't get much of a runtime speed increase, but it can often reduce the size of a WebAssembly binary by 10-20%, which can be some serious savings!

For more information about how wasm-opt is run see the reference documentation

Executing wasm-bindgen for WebAssembly Interface Types

The WebAssembly Interface Types proposal is a developing standard for enhancing the set of types that a WebAssembly module can work with at its boundaries (as opposed to just integers and floats). This developing standard is targeted at use cases primarily outside of a browser (but also in one!) which is a perfect fit for WASI.

Rust's support for WebAssembly Interface Types comes through the wasm-bindgen project. When using wasm-bindgen as a crate, though, it requires also executing the matching CLI wasm-bindgen tool on the final WebAssembly binary. The cargo wasi subcommand will automatically find and install the matching binary to run on your WASI WebAssembly file. Using cargo wasi will also automatically configure wasm-bindgen to enable interface types support.

Deleting DWARF debuginfo in release mode

The standard Rust toolchain, following the convention of all platforms, ships an optimized standard library for the wasm32-wasi target that contains DWARF debug information. This is typically what you want in debug builds to have a better debugging experience for the standard library, but release builds of WebAssembly are often focused on size and disable debug information by default. Following standard practice for all targets the Rust toolchain will by default include the standard library's DWARF debug information in the final *.wasm file, but cargo wasi will strip it out.

Note that this strip only happens if your build disables debuginfo in a release executable. If you enable debuginfo in the release executable, then cargo wasi will not strip out the dwarf debug information.

Demangling Rust symbols in the name section

WebAssembly's name custom section is present in debug and release builds of WebAssembly binaries, but Rust symbols, like all other platforms, are mangled! This means that instead of main you'll see _ZN4main20h..., very long symbol names.

The cargo wasi toolchain will ensure that all Rust symbol names in the name section are demangled into a more human-readable form, improving the debugging experience when using native tooling.

Configuration for the name and producers Custom Sections

WebAssembly has a name custom section for providing debug names to functions/locals/etc which assist in debugging WebAssembly modules. Additionally a producers custom section is typically used to collect metadata about tools used to produce a WebAssembly binary.

These two sections are emitted by default into all *.wasm binaries (including release builds). Using cargo wasi, though, you can ensure they're deleted from release builds in your Cargo.toml:

wasm-name-section = false
wasm-producers-section = false

More information about configuration can be found in the reference


This section of documentation is a reference-style documentation about cargo wasi. It's intended to be an exhaustive document of features provided by cargo wasi, so if you don't see something documented here please file an issue!

CLI Usage

In general cargo wasi takes no CLI flags specifically, since it will forward everything to cargo under the hood. The subcommand, however, will attempt to infer flags such as -v from the Cargo arguments pass, switching itself to a verbose output if it looks like Cargo is using a verbose output.

The supported subcommands for cargo wasi are:

cargo wasi build

This is the primary subcommand used to build WebAssembly code. This will build your crate for the wasm32-wasi target and run any postprocessing (like wasm-bindgen or wasm-opt) over any produced binary.

$ cargo wasi build
$ cargo wasi build --release
$ cargo wasi build --lib
$ cargo wasi build --test foo

Output *.wasm files will be located in target/wasm32-wasi/debug for debug builds or target/wasm32-wasi/release for release builds.

cargo wasi check

This subcommands forwards everything to cargo check, allowing to perform quick compile-time checks over your code without actually producing any *.wasm binaries or running any wasm code.

$ cargo wasi check
$ cargo wasi check --lib
$ cargo wasi check --tests

cargo wasi run

Forwards everything to cargo run, and runs all binaries in wasmtime. Arguments passed will be forwarded to wasmtime. Note that it's not necessary to run cargo wasi build before this subcommand. Example usage looks like:

$ cargo wasi run
$ cargo wasi run --release
$ cargo wasi run arg1 arg2
$ cargo wasi run -- --flag-for-wasm-binary
$ cargo wasi run --bin foo

Note: Using cargo wasi will print Running ... twice, that's normal but only one wasm binary is actually run.

cargo wasi test

Forwards everything to cargo test, and runs all tests in wasmtime. Arguments passed will be forwarded to cargo test. Note that it's not necessary to run cargo wasi build before executing this command. Example usage looks like:

$ cargo wasi test
$ cargo wasi test my_test_to_run
$ cargo wasi test --lib
$ cargo wasi test --test foo
$ cargo wasi test -- --nocpature

You can find some more info about writing tests in the Rust book's chapter on writing tests.

Note: You'll also want to be sure to consult WASI-specific caveats when testing since there are some gotchas today.

cargo wasi bench

Forwards everything to cargo bench, and like previous commands also executes the benchmarks inside of wasmtime. Arguments passed will be forwarded to cargo bench, such as:

$ cargo wasi bench
$ cargo wasi bench my_benchmark_to_run
$ cargo wasi bench --bench foo
$ cargo wasi bench -- --nocpature

cargo wasi fix

Forwards everything to cargo fix, but again with the --target wasm32-wasi option which ensures that the fixes are also applied to wasi-specific code (if any).

cargo wasi version

This subcommand will print out version information about cargo wasi itself. This is also known as cargo wasi -V and cargo wasi --version.

$ cargo wasi version
$ cargo wasi -V
$ cargo wasi --version

cargo wasi self clean

This is an internal management subcommand for cargo wasi which completely clears out the cache that cargo wasi uses for itself. This cache includes various metadata files and downloaded versions of tools like wasm-opt and wasm-bindgen.

$ cargo wasi self clean

cargo wasi self update-check

Checks to see if an update is ready for cargo-wasi. If it is then instructions to acquire the new update will be printed out.

$ cargo wasi self update-check


The cargo wasi subcomand does not have any CLI flags of its own but it's still not a one-size-fits-all command, so configuration needs to go somewhere! The cargo wasi command supports TOML-based configuration stored in your workspace Cargo.toml in the [package.metadata] section:

# ...

The keys supported by cargo wasi are:

wasm-opt = true
wasm-name-section = true
wasm-producers-section = true

For more documentation about each key, see its section below.


This configuration option is a boolean value (true or false) which indicates whether the wasm-opt optimization tool from the binaryen toolkit might be executed to further optimize the produced WebAssembly binaries. The default for this option is true.

If this option is set to false, then wasm-opt will never be executed.

If this option is set to true, this does not mean wasm-opt will unconditionally run for all builds. A value of true means that wasm-opt may run, depending on the internal heuristics of cargo wasi. For more information about these heuristics and caveats, see the documentation about running wasm-opt.


The name custom section records debugging information as names for wasm functions and variables. If you want reasonable stack traces or debug information it's recommended to have the name section present. Builds optimized for size though that have other channels of debugging may wish to disable this.

This configuration option is a boolean value (true or false) which indicates whether the name section should be present or not. This option defaults to true.

If this option is set to false then it only takes effect when a build is produced without debuginfo. For example a cargo wasi build binary which has debuginfo would still have the name section present. A cargo wasi build --release binary, however, would not have debuginfo and would also have the name section removed.


The producers custom section records tools used to produce a WebAssembly module. This is meant for metric collection in production systems, and is generally harmless to include. Builds micro-optimized for size, however, may wish to exclude it.

This configuration option is a boolean value (true or false) which indicates whether the producers section should be present or not. This option defaults to true.

If this option is set to false then it only takes effect when a build is produced without debuginfo. For example a cargo wasi build binary which has debuginfo would still have the producers section present. A cargo wasi build --release binary, however, would not have debuginfo and would also have the producers section removed.

Running wasm-opt

By default cargo wasi will run wasm-opt over optimized WebAssembly binaries. The wasm-opt program is a tool in the binaryen toolkit which is a wasm-to-wasm transformation that optimizes the input wasm module. Often wasm-opt can get 10-20% size reductions over LLVM's raw output.

There are a number of heuristics that are used to configure how wasm-opt is run though and it's important to keep those in mind!

Which wasm-opt executed?

Every release of cargo wasi is hardcoded to download a precompiled version of wasm-opt. This binary will be lazily downloaded and then executed. You can also request that a specific wasm-opt binary is used via the WASM_OPT environment variable.

Note that we're interested in feedback on this strategy, so please don't hesitate to file an issue if this doesn't work for you!

Disabled with DWARF debuginfo

If DWARF debug information is requested for a build (default on for debug builds, default off for release builds) then wasm-opt will be disabled. At the time of this writing wasm-opt does not support preserving DWARF debug information through its transformations, so wasm-opt is skipped.

In effect this means that wasm-opt will not run in debug mode, but it will run in release mode. If you enable debug info in release mode, though, then it will not run.

You can configure debuginfo through your Cargo.toml:

debug = 1

Selected Optimization Level

The wasm-opt tool, like most compilers, supports multiple levels of optimization. The optimization level is by default selected to match rustc's own optimization level. If rustc's optimization level is "0", then wasm-opt will not be run.

This effectively means that in debug mode this is another reason that wasm-opt is disabled (because debug mode uses optimization level 0). In release mode we will by default execute wasm-opt -O3 because rustc is executed with -C opt-level=3.

You can configure rustc's and wasm-opt's optimization level through your Cargo.toml. For example to optimize for size instead of speed:

opt-level = 's'

Disabled via configuration

You can also outright disable wasm-opt via configuration by updating your Cargo.toml:

wasm-opt = false

Disabled when wasm-bindgen is used

Finally, as one last caveat, wasm-opt is automatically disabled if wasm-bindgen is used as part of the build. If wasm-bindgen is used it's assumed that WebAssembly Interface Types are also used, and currently wasm-opt (at the time of this writing) does not have support for WebAssembly Interface Types. If we were to run wasm-opt it would produce a broken binary!

Running wasm-bindgen

Note: Usage of wasm-bindgen and WebAssembly Interface Types is highly experimental, it's recommended that you expect breakage and/or surprises if you're using this.

Note: When building your crate with WebAssembly Interface Types enabled via wasm-bindgen, due to a bug in wasm-bindgen, it is currently necessary to build in release mode, i.e., cargo wasi build --release.

The wasm-bindgen project is primarily targeted at JavaScript and the web, but is also becomimg the primary experiment grounds of WebAssembly Interface Types for Rust. If you're not using interface types you probably don't need wasm-bindgen, but if you're using interface types read on!

The cargo wasi subcommand will automatically detect when wasm-bindgen-the-crate is used in your dependency graph. When this is seen then cargo wasi will download the corresponding precompiled wasm-bindgen CLI binary (or cargo install it) and execute that over the final WebAssembly file.

Currently no configuration for wasm-bindgen is supported because the support for WebAssembly Interface Types is unconditionally enabled which takes no configuration. This aspect of cargo wasi is highly likely to change and get improved over time though!

Testing in WASI

Testing in WASI generall works the same as testing in Rust, but there's an important caveat about failing tests in WASI.

The wasm32-wasi target for Rust is effectively a panic=abort target which has no support for unwinding. Most tests report failure, however by panicking! This means that a failing test will actually abort the whole wasi process, which isn't always a great experience.

To compound the problems here Rust's test framework by default captures all output of a panic to print later after all tests have finished executing. If the process aborts on a panic though, nothing ends up getting printed! Instead you'll see something like:

$ cargo wasi test
     Running `/code/wasi-hello-world/target/wasm32-wasi/debug/deps/foo-38c031b0dc9ed5bc.wasm`

running 1 test
test foo ... error: failed to process main module `/code/wasi-hello-world/target/wasm32-wasi/debug/deps/foo-38c031b0dc9ed5bc.wasm`
    caused by: Instantiation error: Trap occurred while invoking start function: wasm trap: unreachable, source location: @4143a

and that's not very helpful!

To help with these issues it's recommended to use --nocapture which will at least print some information.

$ cargo wasi test -- --nocapture
     Running `/code/wasi-hello-world/target/wasm32-wasi/debug/deps/foo-38c031b0dc9ed5bc.wasm --nocapture`

running 1 test
test foo ... thread 'main' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
  left: `1`,
 right: `2`', tests/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace.
error: failed to process main module `/code/wasi-hello-world/target/wasm32-wasi/debug/deps/foo-38c031b0dc9ed5bc.wasm`
    caused by: Instantiation error: Trap occurred while invoking start function: wasm trap: unreachable, source location: @4143a

In general testing and wasi isn't great today. It's something we hope to improve over time!

Updating cargo wasi

If you already have cargo-wasi installed and you'd like to update your installation, you can execute:

$ cargo install cargo-wasi --force

Uninstalling cargo wasi

If you'd like to remove cargo-wasi from your system, you'll want to first clear out the subcommand's caches and then remove the subcommand itself.

$ cargo wasi self clean
$ cargo uninstall cargo-wasi

Contributing to cargo-wasi

This section contains instructions on how to get this project up and running for development. Source code for this project lives on GitHub at


  1. The cargo-wasi subcommand is written in Rust, so you'll want Rust installed

  2. Running tests requires wasmtime is installed and in $PATH or an existing runtime provided via CARGO_TARGET_WASM32_WASI_RUNNER.

Getting the code

You'll clone the code via git:

$ git clone

Testing changes

We'd like tests ideally to be written for all changes. Test can be run via:

$ cargo test

You'll be adding tests primarily to tests/tests/*.rs.

Submitting changes

Changes to cargo-wasi are managed through Pull Requests, and anyone is more than welcome to submit a pull request! We'll try to get to reviewing it or responding to it in at most a few days.

Code Formatting

Code is required to be formatted with the current Rust stable's cargo fmt command. This is checked on CI.

Continuous Integration

The CI for the cargo-wasi repository is relatively significant. It tests changes on Windows, macOS, and Linux. It also performs a "dry run" of the release process to ensure that release binaries can be built and are ready to be published.

Publishing a New Version

Publication of this crate is entirely automated via CI. A publish happens whenever a tag is pushed to the repository, so to publish a new version you'll want to make a PR that bumps the version numbers (see the scripts in the root of the repository), merge the PR, then tag the PR and push the tag. That should trigger all that's necessary to publish all the crates and binaries to