Next Meeting
10 am CEST (Europe) / 4 pm CST (China) / 4am EDT (USA East Coast) Tomorrow, June 25th
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 936 3991 2948
Passcode: 930532
@Chris Woods what's the periodicity for this meeting?
"Ralph is creating a calendar item"
Here we go...
The agenda for the meeting can be found here:
We’re still going through the logistics, but one of the items on this week’s meeting is to discuss the lowest common denominator of hardware that we will target. We had discussions previously about this, but we need to agree on the hardware platform(s) and then document them in a small white paper. This was on the items we were tasked to do as we laid out our charter.
Dominik, Stephen and Xin are the co-chairs who will be leading this meeting.
All the best, and as a US based participant, I’m looking forward to reviewing the conclusions and meeting notes tomorrow.
Meeting notes posted to GitHub.
thanks for that work, @Stephen Berard
Thanks to all attendees. The recording of the meeting is available on youtube here - YouTube - Sig Embedded Meeting 2
Hi Folks, the latest meeting is now available on youtube - YouTube - SIG Embedded USA & Europe
Hey folks! Is there an iCAL invite for the meetings?
Hi Folks, I've been having some issues getting the ICS files to repeat correctly. Hopefully this zip file should contain all the meeting invites. I'd really appreciate it if someone could download the zip and checkout the ICS files making sure they repeat and appear correctly.
Last updated: Jan 24 2025 at 00:11 UTC