As, I hope you’ve seen we now have an Embedded SIG ! – You should see the initial folder and charter appear on the official BCA GitHub Repository.
Scheduling the Inaugural Meeting
The first item we need to do is schedule the inaugural meeting. This is an important initial meeting. It is where we will nominate and select co-chairs, and the decide upon or meeting schedule. As you know, our charter is a bit different to the charters from other SIGs. We’re specifically looking to schedule meetings in three time zones, Asia Pacific, Europe and The Americas. This is going to require co-chairs who can join these meetings. It is really important, at least for this first meeting that everyone can join. Unfortunately until we make these decisions, it means that our very first meeting will be a compromise for all time zones. But I really want to make sure that as many people as possible can attend, so to help with this I’ve created a Doodle Poll, which you can see here:
Call to Action - > Please do vote!
I'm also working with David Bryant to set up a google group, if you'd like to be added to the group please do let me know, with a reply, or alternatively drop me a DM!
Would love to be added to the google group!
Thanks Chris!
I would love to be in the google group as well
Thanks Chris! I'd also like to be on the google group :pray:
Just waiting on getting the access control to the google group from David and I'll add you guys to it.
I'd like to close the doodle poll end of business Friday this week - tomorrow,June 14th. If anyone hasn't please do vote. I know the times aren't ideal for everyone, but that's something we can address in the meeting.
I just voted, as I was traveling, but in case it didn't get counted I'm in CET so anything but the 2 AM CET
slot was fine
Awesome folks! - Thanks to everyone that voted. We've have a winner with a Jun 19th @ 6am Central Time. I will send out a placeholder for this!
fitzgen (he/him) said:
Thanks Chris! I'd also like to be on the google group :pray:
Great, I think I just added you.
Dominik Tacke said:
I would love to be in the google group as well
You should be added :)
Dan Mihai Dumitriu said:
Would love to be added to the google group!
Thanks Chris!
Dan you should now be in the google group as well.
and, as you may have seen, I'm having a "lot of fun" / "getting sligtht confused by" the Google Groups / Calendar invite system - but this link should help...
This should be a link to the placeholder for our meeting.
Hi Folks - I've had a few people say they couldn't access toe Goolge link, so here is an outlook version of the same. Note that I've no meeting logistics yet - I need to work with David for Zoom details, if I can't do that, we can fall back to using a Siemens Teams account.
Let me reach out to David today and then I'll get back ro you with updated Google links, Meeting invites on the Goolge Groups, and an updated .ics file.
Thanks for bearing with me,
unfortunately, I won't be able to make it to this meeting, nor do I expect most folks in the US will be able to, as the 19th is a federal holiday
I know this doesn't work for all, but it did win the doodle poll. It's precisiely because of the multitude of people in different time zones, and geo-political areas, that we're attempting to have meetings in several timezones. I want to thank everyone for their understanding on this, and particularly for thier accomodation toward the awkward timing of this first meeting.
With regard to Juneteeth (the federal holiday Nick refers to). AFAIK the Federal holidays are not 100% observed by all organizations in the USA. Banks, and government organizations will observe them. But many other US organziations, like my own, do not observe them.... don't get me wrong, I really wish they did... with this in mind, and because it won the poll, this is why I went with it.
I'm also really aware that the time picked is outside normal working hours in both the US and China. Yes it's awkward, and at least for this first meeting, there is no perfect slot for everyone.
For anyone who cannot attend, the purpose of the meeting will be to discuss meeting cadence and nominating co-chairs for the different timezones, if you'd like to put your name forward as a co-chair, or have a strong preference for time slots, by all means let me know, I'll be sure to present this during the meeting.
Hi folks, here is an updated invite including the Zoom meeting details. I've also included them below for your reference:
Join Zoom Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 984 0781 3229
Passcode: 449042
Dear Chris,
I got a bit confused by time zone names and my calendars disagreeing about the time, CET is commonly used for central European time, which would be UTC+1 and one hour from now, I guess you mean US central time (with daylight saving) which is 7 hours from now, UTC-5.
Yes, you are spot on! - Meeting is at 6am Chicago Time (US Central), 4am California (Pacific Time) (sorry folks), 1pm in Germany (Central Europe) midday in the UK, and 7pm in China.
Hope this helps.
Sorry, I will need to join a bit later because I lead a Rust WG meeting in AUTOSAR at the same time. The WG hasn't met for two weeks because I was traveling to Japan, presenting wasm at the 15th AOC, so I will try to keep it short and then join you.
Thanks Christof, if you are interested in taking on another co-chair role let me know! :)
Oh, and I'd love to see the AOC presentation?
This meeting will be primarily focused on logistics, and setting up the series of real meetings, in time zone friendly slots. - The next set of meetings should be where the really interesting discussion occurs.
Good morning / Afternoon folks - just a heads up that we're starting our first meeting in 7 minutes. See you all online soon.
sick as a dog today; apologies
Chris Woods said:
Oh, and I'd love to see the AOC presentation?
Here it is
(only slides, no recording available). Feel free to ask questions here on Zulip.
Repo for the SIG is at
Awesome! Thank you Bailey!
Hi Folks, still getting used to the logistics, but the meeting notes are up in a PR waiting to hit the BCA/meetings repo. The YouTube video is up and available YouTube - Inaugural Embedded Special Interest Group Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 25th June 2024 @ 10 am CEST / 4 pm CST / 3am US East Coast. It will be run by our new co-chairs, Dominik, Stephen and Xin.
Zoom details are pending.
@Chris Woods @Dominik Tacke @Stephen Berard : the zoom meeting setup with my personal account has 40 minutes limit. And it promopts some confidential warning and agreement aception while using my company account. I wonder if you can help to setup the meeting?
Last updated: Jan 24 2025 at 00:11 UTC