Hey everyone. I am looking forward to finally gathering to build out the documentation in the BA ecosystem.
According to process, during the inaugural meeting, we will appoint two chairs which the TSC would review. If you are interested in being considered for chair, you can nominate yourself at the meeting if you are able to attend or in a comment here or in the SIG docs channel.
As for when to meet, looking at other SIG meetings, Wednesdays at 8AM PT may be a good time slot to aim for, with the first occurrence being Wed Feb 28th. Does this seem like a reasonable first time slot with the option to reevaluate time and cadence?
@Ivan Towlson @Divya Mohan @Merlijn Sebrechts @Mossaka (Joe) @Calvin Prewitt @Daniel Macovei @Peter Huene putting this on your radar as you've been involved in previous documentation efforts
I'll (hopefully) be on a plane during the first meeting time, but I'd like to attend the future meetings! The time seems reasonable to me.
Unfortunately, I have a conflicting event on the day of the inaugural meeting. But the timing seems reasonable to me and I hope to be a part of future meetings.
Additionally, do we have a cadence decided?
Also, I know that we don't follow this governance model in the BA. However, from experience with managing docs for some CNCF projects, it would be helpful if we have a tech lead role along with the co-chair role. It could be staffed by a single person in the beginning. This would differ from the chair role because the person taking on the tech lead role would be more oriented toward the creation & maintenance of the actual documentation. This would involve stuff like ensuring our website is running the updated versions of SSG and standardizing the tooling we use around our documentation etc.; the person chairing the SIG would be more focused on general administrative & outreach activities.
I would be interested in participating!
@Divya Mohan I could see how that model makes sense, given that this isn't a clearly technical SIG like the other ones. Maybe we start with the norms of the a couple co chairs and we can propose this idea to the TOC or have tech lead be a de facto role for one of the chairs?
On cadence, we could start weekly for the first couple meetings and then transition to biweekly.
I would love to participate as well!
I'd like to participate and should be able to make the inaugural meeting!
Here is the Zoom link for our kick off meeting Wednesday at 8AM PT. I have also attached the calendar invite:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 951 8882 7884
Passcode: 382323
FYI: the meeting time is (for those who don't want to convert timezones themselves)
Great, I'll be there, thanks for setting it up!
Reminder that our kickoff meeting is tomorrow and to self-nominate here for a co-chair position or during the meeting
Meeting just kicked off!
Thanks for the great meeting everyone. Recordings will be posted to the SIG Docs channel on the BA youtube: YouTube - SIG Documentation 2024-2-28
Last updated: Mar 07 2025 at 02:27 UTC