Stream: jco

Topic: TypeScript types using ES modules

view this post on Zulip Luke Street (Feb 19 2025 at 22:40):

Hi! While using jco transpile, I've had a few issues with the generated types. Here's an example WIT and the current jco transpile output:

import { diff, types } from 'objdiff-wasm';

export function runDiff(...) {
  // ERROR: DiffResult is not exported on namespace ObjdiffCoreTypes
  const result: types.DiffResult = diff.runDiff(...);

Initially, I tried working around this by adding export type { DiffResult }; in the generated TypeScript namespace. However, it still does not work: export const types: typeof ObjdiffCoreTypes; A variable can't have associated types, so the only things that get exported are the actual functions.

I tried using guest-types, but it leaves the root .d.ts broken. It tries to import the namespaces, despite them not existing anymore.

I settled on a new approach that builds on top of guest-types and turns it into a more fully-fledged solution. (Full output here:

import * as ObjdiffCoreDiff from './interfaces/objdiff-core-diff.js';
export { ObjdiffCoreDiff as diff };

Instead of using namespaces, we can import * the interface, and then export it from the root. This preserves everything: all functions and types are accessible.

declare module 'objdiff:core/diff' {
  export { runDiff };
  export type { ObjectData };
export function runDiff(left: ObjectData | undefined, right: ObjectData | undefined, config: DiffConfig): DiffResult;
import type { ObjectData } from './objdiff-core-types.js';
export type { ObjectData };

In the interface, we have the declare module from guest-types, but we've extended it even further. Functions are exported in both the interface itself and the declared module, so that the import * from the root contains them.
Additionally, we export type any types in the module. Before, only functions and classes were exported.

This means that if you reference it via objdiff:core/diff or by import { diff } from '...', you get all of the functions and associated types.

I'd like to gather feedback. Right now I have it implemented with an --es-modules flag, and internally it replaces opts.guest with opts.es_modules. However, I believe this approach fully fixes the ergonomics of using the generated types, and I'd like to consider making it the default. I'm also happy to submit a PR with what I have so far for further discussion.

Current output of jco transpile. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
New output of jco transpile --es-modules. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

view this post on Zulip Guy Bedford (Feb 19 2025 at 22:42):

Thanks for looking into this - a PR against guest-types would be amazing as that flag hasn't been fully developed yet. Are there any limitations to this approach for guest types?

view this post on Zulip Luke Street (Feb 19 2025 at 22:47):

No limitations as far as I'm aware. You could consider this "fully developed" guest-types. But I developed it to fix my issues with the transpiled/non-guest types, so I think it could in theory replace both.

view this post on Zulip Guy Bedford (Feb 19 2025 at 22:55):

guest types are under tested right now, but if it passes transpiled types that is great too

of course taking into account the difference between guest and host types (and specifically that guest types shouldn't type imports, but still does)

view this post on Zulip Luke Street (Feb 19 2025 at 23:05):

Yeah, I guess I should clarify: I'm not sure the scope of what all guest-types needs to do. Currently, it only changes the TS namespaces to ES modules, and that's also what I wanted to do for the host types in this scenario, so it internally replaces the "guest" option with a more generic "es_modules" option.

I assume guest types will need other changes, like you describe, and therefore the guest option would have to be re-implemented separately from this.

So this is specifically targeting host types, but it fully overlaps with how guest types are currently implemented, making it necessary to refactor that. A bit confusing but hopefully that helps.

I'll submit a draft PR soon!

view this post on Zulip Guy Bedford (Feb 19 2025 at 23:05):

can we not replace the TS namespaces with modules across both of host and guest without otherwise changing flags?

view this post on Zulip Luke Street (Feb 19 2025 at 23:08):

Yes, and I personally think that's the best approach, since I'm not aware of any value in keeping the TS namespaces.

That would make the types and guest-types output exactly the same for now, and I assume guest-types would be further developed later.

view this post on Zulip Milan (Feb 19 2025 at 23:16):

wasmcloud's getting started had a manual patch to generated types to switch to module declarations. Better out of the box support would be great! FYI @Victor Adossi

wasmCloud is an open source Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) project that enables teams to build, manage, and scale polyglot apps across any cloud, K8s, or edge. - wasmCloud/wasmCloud

view this post on Zulip Milan (Feb 19 2025 at 23:27):

edit: sorry for the noise, was confusing host and guest types, but getting rid of namespaces all around sounds great :grinning:

view this post on Zulip Guy Bedford (Feb 19 2025 at 23:28):

great to hear - would be fantastic to see a PR along these lines

view this post on Zulip Luke Street (Feb 20 2025 at 00:35):


This PR does a few things: ES modules are generated by default (declare module '...'), just like guest-types. Root .d.ts imports now use import * as Interface from '...' rather tha...

view this post on Zulip Guy Bedford (Feb 20 2025 at 00:39):

thank you! will review soon

view this post on Zulip Victor Adossi (Feb 20 2025 at 07:45):

Hey @Luke Street would you mind sharing how you're integrating with respect to tsconfig.json and your imports for the types? Curious to see what approach you're taking there given the multiple options.

One thing we've been trying to solve for is ambient TS modules, so that once people have the bindings folder included (via tsconfig.json), they can go straight to code like this:

import { runDiff } from "objdiff:core/diff";

To get this to work, we have to use Ambient Modules which only include the declare module "..." in the file without any other external imports/exports.

This isn't something we have working today, but where we want to get to for code generated for guests.

I bring this up because if I trim the "module augmentations" (which is how TS will view any file with a top level import/export next to a declare module ...), I get code that is less usable than what the guest-types would output (ignoring of course the missing actual definitions.

declare module 'objdiff:core/diff' {
  export function runDiff(left: ObjectData | undefined, right: ObjectData | undefined, config: DiffConfig): DiffResult;
// import type { ObjectData } from './objdiff-core-types.js';
// export { ObjectData };
// import type { ObjectDiff } from './objdiff-core-types.js';
// export { ObjectDiff };
// import type { DiffConfig } from './objdiff-core-types.js';
// export { DiffConfig };
// import type { DiffResult } from './objdiff-core-types.js';
// export { DiffResult };


Obviously, there are lots of problems with just commenting out a bunch of relevant type imports/exports, but what I want to point out is that the new re-export methodology might not quite work as well as what we had before in the guest component case -- we get a little further away from the ideal state.

If I trim the declarations in a file like objdiff-core-diff.d.ts in the old guest-types code, w/ a top level

Separately, do you run into the following errors with your generated .d.ts files?

typescript [2666]: Exports and export assignments are not permitted in module augmentations
typescript [2484]: Export declaration conflicts with exported declaration of 'runDiff'.

tsc certainly runs just fine, but it is odd that these pop up.

view this post on Zulip Victor Adossi (Feb 20 2025 at 07:47):

I've made a reproduction repository so it's a bit easier to visualize/hack on these:

(builds of jco are not included, sorry -- just the output of jco types/jco guest-types)

Contribute to vados-cosmonic/jco-typegen-repro development by creating an account on GitHub.

view this post on Zulip Victor Adossi (Feb 20 2025 at 07:57):

oof ran out of time to edit, so weird formatting remained, but hopefully it's clear.

view this post on Zulip Luke Street (Feb 20 2025 at 12:50):

Hey Victor, thanks for the detailed info. My use case is host types, so I’m importing everything from the root module directly, not using the ambient module imports.

I was under the impression that the ambient modules already worked with the guest-types output, and that my changes would not affect that, since I’m simply adding more exports. Sounds like that assumption was wrong, though :smile:

Thinking about it: maybe this is the distinction we need to make for host and guest types:

I just recently ran into an issue where I wanted type imports in an ambient .d.ts, and I was able to solve it using the import() syntax:

declare module 'foo' {
  export type Bar = import('./bar').Bar;

So maybe this is the solution for generating proper guest types with ambient modules.

I’m happy to experiment with this idea. Let me know if this sounds right to you.

view this post on Zulip Victor Adossi (Feb 20 2025 at 15:14):

I think that distinction makes a lot of sense to me. The key reason to use TS namespaces in the first place IIRC was the ability to split declarations across files, something I'm not sure we ended up doing at all.

One wrinkle we've run into is that people have had problems with even the syntax of declare module that I'm suggestion (and you're suggesting), this came up in another discussion (I can't tell if this is a tooling mismatch somehow or something else -- the allowed syntaxes seem to somewhat differ with what plain tsc will allow)

I definitely support using that syntax to get to ambient imports, if it works well I'd love to adopt it -- it would massively improve ergonomics for jco type generation.

view this post on Zulip Luke Street (Feb 20 2025 at 23:49):

I have fully functional ambient module generation now:

/// <reference path="./objdiff-core-diff-types.d.ts" />
declare module 'objdiff:core/diff' {
  export function runDiff(left: Object | undefined, right: Object | undefined, config: DiffConfig): DiffResult;
  export type Object = import('objdiff:core/diff-types').Object;
  export type DiffConfig = import('objdiff:core/diff-types').DiffConfig;
  export type DiffResult = import('objdiff:core/diff-types').DiffResult;

It even works with the root .d.ts:

/// <reference path="./interfaces/objdiff-core-diff-types.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./interfaces/objdiff-core-diff.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./interfaces/objdiff-core-display-types.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./interfaces/wasi-logging-logging.d.ts" />
declare module 'objdiff:core/api' {
  export type Level = import('wasi:logging/logging@0.1.0-draft').Level;
  export * as diffTypes from 'objdiff:core/diff-types';
  export * as displayTypes from 'objdiff:core/display-types';
  export * as diff from 'objdiff:core/diff';
  export function init(level: Level): void;
  export function version(): string;

Though I realized we're missing another piece, we need to generate ambient modules for imports and concrete modules for exports (and invert that for guest-types), rather than having it all generate one way or the other. More to do :smile:

view this post on Zulip Victor Adossi (Feb 21 2025 at 04:58):

Wow fantastic, thanks for putting in the hard work here!

Yeah I think you're fully read in on the difference between host and guest types now :) it's subtle but I think there's enough there to keep the commands different but I'm not sure the average person can tell the difference w/ the current naming.

view this post on Zulip Victor Adossi (Feb 21 2025 at 04:59):

I like that it's module native all the way down, this should transfer really well to the browser (w/ a competent bundler), you might end up fixing that other issue at the same time!

view this post on Zulip Victor Adossi (Feb 21 2025 at 05:02):

Let me know if/when I should refresh your branch and I'll give it a test (I have your branch pulled locally of course) -- I don't know if my tsc setup is just generating more warnings. Given that the import() syntax is exactly what you have to use in declare module blocks (which I I didn't know before, thanks!) -- I get the feeling we're going to be warning free :)

view this post on Zulip Luke Street (Feb 21 2025 at 06:31):

I thought I had a clever idea: always emit interfaces as ambient modules, and the only difference between host and guest types would be whether the root .d.ts is an ambient module or not. This would be quite elegant, all imports could use the ns:pkg/iface style.

It seems that causes issues when an interface is generated in multiple type files:

test/output/flavorful/interfaces/wasi-io-streams.d.ts(13,16): error TS2300: Duplicate identifier 'OutputStream'.
test/output/many-arguments/interfaces/wasi-io-streams.d.ts(13,16): error TS2300: Duplicate identifier 'OutputStream'.

(Thanks tests!)

I could see this becoming an issue if you import multiple packages that use a common WASI interface, and both have a wasi-io-streams.d.ts with declare module 'wasi:io/streams@0.2.0'. Unless there's a workaround here, I think means we can't use ambient modules in host types at all, given that packages may ship the types and thus conflict with each other.

Would this affect guest types too? My initial thought is no, it'd be reasonable to assume there's only one "set" of guest types that'd exist in a project, given that the purpose of the project would be implementing those types.

I'll definitely update my branch when I have tests passing again.

view this post on Zulip Victor Adossi (Feb 21 2025 at 06:57):

Tests are the real MVPs :)

And yeah -- the multiple packages using common WASI interfaces is as you might expect a very common case.

One thing that I've also thought about in the past is changing the generation methodology to produce folders that have de-duped names as well. Feel free to try that, we're not tied to file-per-interface, IMO, and while there isn't any way to semantically/intelligently compare right now, we can use names to dedup effort I think for now...

Let me know if I'm not understanding the problem you ran into properly!

view this post on Zulip Victor Adossi (Feb 21 2025 at 07:00):

Ahh let me think about that some more... I'm fairly certain it's impossible/unintended to have two completely different modules with the same package, name, interface and version that are both implemented w/ different WIT contents... You should be fine to dedup and go one level up and allow for some cross-component reuse

view this post on Zulip Luke Street (Feb 21 2025 at 15:42):

That’d be nice if we could assume we controlled all the types in the project, but I’m imagining a situation where you import an npm package that has its own wasi types, if it uses a wasm component internally. I’m not aware of any way to dedupe interface types across package boundaries, but if someone has ideas, I’m all ears.

It’s fine, though, the alternative is using the normal relative imports (import … from './interfaces/wasi-io-streams.js') and not using declare module at all in host types. Just means we can’t unify host/guest types like I wanted to.

view this post on Zulip Claire Smith (Feb 26 2025 at 03:53):

hey hey, got this wstd Rust example (sends a HTTP GET request to a URL and logs the result) compiled to WASM and JSified with jco transpile.

It gets about half way through the function before it hits this:

> GET / HTTP/1.1
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< content-type: text/html
< etag: "84238dfc8092e5d9c0dac8ef93371a07:1736799080.121134"
< last-modified: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 20:11:20 GMT
< cache-control: max-age=1365
< date: Wed, 26 Feb 2025 03:38:15 GMT
< alt-svc: h3=":443"; ma=93600,h3-29=":443"; ma=93600,quic=":443"; ma=93600; v="43"
< content-length: 1256
< connection: keep-alive
      { src: src.#id, len }

TypeError: Cannot read private member #id from an object whose class did not declare it
    at OutputStream.splice (file:///mnt/c/Users/.../node_modules/@bytecodealliance/preview2-shim/lib/io/worker-io.js:323:18)
    at trampoline56 (file:///mnt/c/Users/.../comm/comm.js:2917:34)
    at wit-component:shim.indirect-wasi:io/streams@0.2.3-[method]output-stream.splice (wasm://wasm/wit-component:shim-b13bbaba:wasm-function[16]:0x283)
    at wasm://wasm/001e552a:wasm-function[184]:0x7504
    at wasm://wasm/001e552a:wasm-function[281]:0x16dc8
    at wasm://wasm/001e552a:wasm-function[279]:0x103e0
    at wasm://wasm/001e552a:wasm-function[96]:0x3286
    at wasm://wasm/001e552a:wasm-function[329]:0x24c61
    at wasm://wasm/001e552a:wasm-function[61]:0x148e
    at wit-component:adapter:wasi_snapshot_preview1.wasi:cli/run@0.2.3#run (wasm://wasm/wit-component:adapter:wasi_snapshot_preview1-2fd92fea:wasm-function[29]:0x701)

Node.js v22.5.1

just wondering if this is the right place to ask questions? :smile:

A WebAssembly-native stdlib. Contribute to yoshuawuyts/wstd development by creating an account on GitHub.

view this post on Zulip Claire Smith (Feb 26 2025 at 03:56):

Claire Smith said:

hey hey, got this wstd Rust example (sends a HTTP GET request to a URL and logs the result) compiled to WASM and JSified with jco transpile.

It gets about half way through the function before it hits this:

> GET / HTTP/1.1
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< content-type: text/html
< etag: "84238dfc8092e5d9c0dac8ef93371a07:1736799080.121134"
< last-modified: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 20:11:20 GMT
< cache-control: max-age=1365
< date: Wed, 26 Feb 2025 03:38:15 GMT
< alt-svc: h3=":443"; ma=93600,h3-29=":443"; ma=93600,quic=":443"; ma=93600; v="43"
< content-length: 1256
< connection: keep-alive
      { src: src.#id, len }

TypeError: Cannot read private member #id from an object whose class did not declare it
    at OutputStream.splice (file:///mnt/c/Users/.../node_modules/@bytecodealliance/preview2-shim/lib/io/worker-io.js:323:18)
    at trampoline56 (file:///mnt/c/Users/.../comm/comm.js:2917:34)
    at wit-component:shim.indirect-wasi:io/streams@0.2.3-[method]output-stream.splice (wasm://wasm/wit-component:shim-b13bbaba:wasm-function[16]:0x283)
    at wasm://wasm/001e552a:wasm-function[184]:0x7504
    at wasm://wasm/001e552a:wasm-function[281]:0x16dc8
    at wasm://wasm/001e552a:wasm-function[279]:0x103e0
    at wasm://wasm/001e552a:wasm-function[96]:0x3286
    at wasm://wasm/001e552a:wasm-function[329]:0x24c61
    at wasm://wasm/001e552a:wasm-function[61]:0x148e
    at wit-component:adapter:wasi_snapshot_preview1.wasi:cli/run@0.2.3#run (wasm://wasm/wit-component:adapter:wasi_snapshot_preview1-2fd92fea:wasm-function[29]:0x701)

Node.js v22.5.1

just wondering if this is the right place to ask questions? :smile:

What topic should I go in .. I haven't used zulip before, sorry
edit: figuring it out.

view this post on Zulip Victor Adossi (Feb 26 2025 at 03:58):

Hey Claire it absolutely is! This IMO is worth making an issue for @ :)

JavaScript toolchain for working with WebAssembly Components - bytecodealliance/jco

view this post on Zulip Victor Adossi (Feb 26 2025 at 03:59):

That said I think the fix is pretty simple, so I've added a PR for it that you could try:

We read every piece of feedback, and take your input very seriously.

view this post on Zulip Claire Smith (Feb 26 2025 at 04:13):

Added that change, similar iss-a-ma-ue on line 340 same file

    return outputStream.#id;

TypeError: Cannot read private member #id from an object whose class did not declare it

view this post on Zulip Claire Smith (Feb 26 2025 at 04:19):


view this post on Zulip Victor Adossi (Feb 26 2025 at 04:41):

Ah thanks for the update -- that's odd, let me dig in!

And thanks for filing the issue, I'll work against that :)

view this post on Zulip Victor Adossi (Feb 26 2025 at 05:00):

Hey so good news, I got a fix in for the request, but some bad news, it looks like the wstd wasm is looking for a pollable that doesn't exist (and that it didn't create!)

view this post on Zulip Victor Adossi (Feb 26 2025 at 05:00):

Looking into that, but I've pushed the fix for the member issues

view this post on Zulip Victor Adossi (Feb 26 2025 at 05:01):

When you run with the latest code the HTTP request will happen but you will likely get a different error there

view this post on Zulip Victor Adossi (Feb 26 2025 at 05:09):

Just a little peek at the madness:

creating poll: 2
searching for pollable ready [2], present? true
creating poll: 3
searching for pollable ready [3], present? true
searching for pollable ready [2], present? true
searching for pollable ready [3], present? true
searching for pollable ready [0], present? false

Of course that doesn't say much but the idea is that the http_client example makes some pollables, but then tries to check ready on pollable zero (which it never created)...

Debugging now, this might result in an upstream commit to wstd but otherwise I think the Jco side is working properly now :)

view this post on Zulip Claire Smith (Feb 26 2025 at 05:24):

I do still have issues, but if it's wstd rather than jco causing the issue, why would wasmtime run -S http=y http_client.wasm work with the same wasm I used to create the JS-wasm module?

view this post on Zulip Victor Adossi (Feb 26 2025 at 05:30):

That's a good question! I'm not sure, the current theory is a premature drop but still tracing to figure out!

view this post on Zulip Claire Smith (Feb 26 2025 at 05:31):

I gotta run, best of luck, will check back in later so if there's any progress, keen to see :)

view this post on Zulip Notification Bot (Feb 26 2025 at 09:44):

5 messages were moved from this topic to #jco > Incomplete trailers support breaking wstd examples by Victor Adossi.

Last updated: Feb 27 2025 at 22:03 UTC