I am looking for a tutorial (or even just some basic examples) on componentizing / refactoring existing crates targeting a web browser using wasm-bindgen
and web_sys
. I would assume this would include creation or generation of a wit
interface that likely must include wasi
in some way and (for now) #jco to be usable in a browser.
Is there such content yet? If not, I would be interested in helping craft such a demo around wasi 0.2.0 with plans to update for async for this: https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-bindgen/tree/main/examples/fetch
Am I right to say that the wasi interface could (and likely should) totally abstract all effects, so your guest would be essentially functional outside the fully composed component, with a message or event driven design that calls in/out of wasi to do this?
As it stands in the existing example for fetch
the whole thing is of course encapsulated in run
but I would think a component-minded implementation would brake that logic up a bit more. In the contrast with a cargo component
based project, I would want some more clean and granular interfaces defined...
For a component fetch
tutorial I would start with cargo component new --lib
and have the user-facing export a fetch: func(...) -> ...
and form the request in a distinct component that import wasi:http/...
to manage the (async eventually) GET
. The intermediate component would have a distinct mod
that would have functional core logic that is wrapped minimal in the lib to impl Gest for ...
. Perhaps a few intermediate components that import wasi:http
and are composed into a higher level component that imports them and exports a higher-level method using both. :thinking:
Ideally that paves the way to an example of "write once, run with any wasi runtime... or at least any runtime that can provide import wasi:http
". Bonus: this could enable exposing the core intermediate (and optionally pure functional) logic to be depended on in other rust crates that might not target wasm/wasi at all.
Last updated: Feb 27 2025 at 22:03 UTC