:wave: I'm looking at options for parsing a WIT file. I found a wit-parser crate on crates.io but it looks like it hasn't been updated in a couple years. I noticed there's a wit-parser crate in wit-bindgen but I'm guessing that hasn't been published anywhere. Is there a preferred way to get a structured representation of a WIT file in Rust?
I think the goal should be for the wit-bindgen project to push the wit-parser
crate to crates.io
Want to file an issue for that against the repo?
I opened https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wit-bindgen/issues/317 to suggest that approach.
I see Alex closed your issue since the project isn't stable enough to have people relying on the parser crate. That makes sense, especially given that it will need to support the .world
syntax and the output probably doesn't make sense to general consumers right now. At some point in the future when it is more stable, you can make a new issue referring to this one or get the old one re-opened.
Yes and to clarify again, the intent is to publish at some point, but publication is, at least in my mind, a signal of stability which is not currently present
Last updated: Feb 28 2025 at 03:10 UTC