Stream: git-wasmtime

Topic: wasmtime / issue #6811 Wasi Preview 2 Async Race Condition

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Aug 07 2023 at 11:02):

rylev opened issue #6811:

Moving streams to async has introduced a race condition. The AsyncWriteStream often gets dropped before the receiver inside the spawned task has time to receive a message.

This makes sense as there's nothing to tie the spawned task's completion to the Store that contains the AsyncWriteStream. It's very easy to drop the Store before any handlers are allowed to run to completition.

Test Case

Take the following "hello world" case:

use wasmtime::{
    component::{Component, Linker},
    Config, Engine, Store,
use wasmtime_wasi::preview2::{Table, WasiCtx, WasiCtxBuilder, WasiView};

async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let mut config = Config::new();
    let engine = Engine::new(&config)?;
    let component = Component::from_file(&engine, "example.wasm")?;
    let mut table = Table::new();
    let ctx = WasiCtxBuilder::new().inherit_stdio().build(&mut table)?;
    let mut store = Store::new(&engine, Data { table, ctx });
    let mut linker = Linker::new(&engine);
    wasmtime_wasi::preview2::command::add_to_linker(&mut linker)?;
    let instance = linker.instantiate_async(&mut store, &component).await?;
    let run = instance.get_typed_func::<(), ()>(&mut store, "hello")?;
    run.call_async(&mut store, ()).await?;

struct Data {
    table: Table,
    ctx: WasiCtx,

impl WasiView for Data {
    fn table(&self) -> &wasmtime_wasi::preview2::Table {

    fn table_mut(&mut self) -> &mut wasmtime_wasi::preview2::Table {
        &mut self.table

    fn ctx(&self) -> &wasmtime_wasi::preview2::WasiCtx {

    fn ctx_mut(&mut self) -> &mut wasmtime_wasi::preview2::WasiCtx {
        &mut self.ctx

The example.wasm file is just a simple wasm component that has one export hello which just uses Rust's println! to print "Hello, World!" to stdout.

This technically works, but only by coincidence. If we see when the "Hello, World" gets flushed to stdout, it happens after the spawned task that is handling IO is aborted in the Drop handler.

Steps to Reproduce

You can reproduce those by running the above example with a local checkout of wasmtime. Simply add a logging statement to the drop handler of AsyncWriteStream and you'll see that the drop (and thus the cancellation of the spawned task) happens before the output to stdout.

I've found this to be reliably reproducible in a user visible way if the wasm binary prints more than 1 line of text to stdout. The first line usually gets successfully flushed, but the second does not. Adding something to slow down the execution of the runtime can eliminates the bug (e.g., adding tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(1)).await; after the function call, gets rid of the race condition).

I first caught this bug first when upgrading Spin to the latest version of wasmtime. The exported function would complete and the containing Store would be dropped before the underlying AsyncWriteStream's spawned task had a chance to receive the bytes to be written to the inner AsyncWrite type. Only every ~10th invocation would see the spawned task actually process the bytes before the AsyncWriteStream's drop handler canceled the task.

Expected Results

I would expect that there would be some mechanism for ensuring that ongoing async writes complete before the Store is dropped.

Versions and Environment

This is the case on the latest version of wasmtime as of this writing.

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Aug 07 2023 at 11:02):

rylev added the bug label to Issue #6811.

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Aug 07 2023 at 15:32):

pchickey assigned issue #6811 to pchickey.

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Aug 07 2023 at 17:53):

pchickey commented on issue #6811:

Thanks for the report! @alexcrichton and @elliottt and I had talked about this hypothetical but I hadn't realized how trivial it is to trip over. We'll work on a mechanism to hold onto the JoinHandles created inside a Store beyond the lifetime of the Store.

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Aug 08 2023 at 08:59):

rylev commented on issue #6811:

Think about this more, I think the right thing to do is to just remove the call to abort inside AsyncWriteStream's drop impl. I don't see why an immediate abort would be necessary, and if there is such a use case, it seems like it should be opt-in.

If we remove the call to abort, then the spawned task will still cleanly exit. Either the call to recv will return None because the channel is empty and the sender has been dropped OR a normal expected exit occurs here or here.

The only additional thing I think that needs to changed is what happens when the result_sender errors because the channel is closed. I believe this shouldn't break out of the outer loop (i.e., we should just ignore the return value). We should continue normally trying to perform the current write and exit in one of the normal spots listed above. Otherwise we still have a race condition where the write is trying to finish, but the result channel has already been dropped. If there's no one on the other side of the result_sender then that's fine - the side effect of writing is still important and should be completed.

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Aug 08 2023 at 09:00):

rylev edited a comment on issue #6811:

Think about this more, I think the right thing to do is to just remove the call to abort inside AsyncWriteStream's drop impl. I don't see why an immediate abort would be necessary, and if there is such a use case, it seems like it should be opt-in.

If we remove the call to abort, then the spawned task will still cleanly exit. Either the call to recv will return None because the channel is empty and the sender has been dropped OR a normal expected exit occurs here or here.

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Aug 08 2023 at 15:42):

alexcrichton commented on issue #6811:

The main consequence of letting things run in the background though was that each wasm guest could keep work arbitrarily sitting in the background for a long time, meaning that work could accumulate over time by accident before it's all flushed out and finished. The thinking was the we could add the ability for a host to explicitly opt-in to daemon-ing the background work to keep it going but additionally allow hosts to learn about the background work via some object too.

In light of this we may want to revisit the considered default though since I think it's true that almost all the time having background work won't harm anyone or anything. So while I think it'd still be good to package up the background work for an embedder to get access to, @pchickey what do you think about switch to not-abort-by-default?

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Sep 12 2023 at 18:14):

elliottt closed issue #6811:

Moving streams to async has introduced a race condition. The AsyncWriteStream often gets dropped before the receiver inside the spawned task has time to receive a message.

This makes sense as there's nothing to tie the spawned task's completion to the Store that contains the AsyncWriteStream. It's very easy to drop the Store before any handlers are allowed to run to completition.

Test Case

Take the following "hello world" case:

use wasmtime::{
    component::{Component, Linker},
    Config, Engine, Store,
use wasmtime_wasi::preview2::{Table, WasiCtx, WasiCtxBuilder, WasiView};

async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let mut config = Config::new();
    let engine = Engine::new(&config)?;
    let component = Component::from_file(&engine, "example.wasm")?;
    let mut table = Table::new();
    let ctx = WasiCtxBuilder::new().inherit_stdio().build(&mut table)?;
    let mut store = Store::new(&engine, Data { table, ctx });
    let mut linker = Linker::new(&engine);
    wasmtime_wasi::preview2::command::add_to_linker(&mut linker)?;
    let instance = linker.instantiate_async(&mut store, &component).await?;
    let run = instance.get_typed_func::<(), ()>(&mut store, "hello")?;
    run.call_async(&mut store, ()).await?;

struct Data {
    table: Table,
    ctx: WasiCtx,

impl WasiView for Data {
    fn table(&self) -> &wasmtime_wasi::preview2::Table {

    fn table_mut(&mut self) -> &mut wasmtime_wasi::preview2::Table {
        &mut self.table

    fn ctx(&self) -> &wasmtime_wasi::preview2::WasiCtx {

    fn ctx_mut(&mut self) -> &mut wasmtime_wasi::preview2::WasiCtx {
        &mut self.ctx

The example.wasm file is just a simple wasm component that has one export hello which just uses Rust's println! to print "Hello, World!" to stdout.

This technically works, but only by coincidence. If we see when the "Hello, World" gets flushed to stdout, it happens after the spawned task that is handling IO is aborted in the Drop handler.

Steps to Reproduce

You can reproduce those by running the above example with a local checkout of wasmtime. Simply add a logging statement to the drop handler of AsyncWriteStream and you'll see that the drop (and thus the cancellation of the spawned task) happens before the output to stdout.

I've found this to be reliably reproducible in a user visible way if the wasm binary prints more than 1 line of text to stdout. The first line usually gets successfully flushed, but the second does not. Adding something to slow down the execution of the runtime can eliminates the bug (e.g., adding tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(1)).await; after the function call, gets rid of the race condition).

I first caught this bug first when upgrading Spin to the latest version of wasmtime. The exported function would complete and the containing Store would be dropped before the underlying AsyncWriteStream's spawned task had a chance to receive the bytes to be written to the inner AsyncWrite type. Only every ~10th invocation would see the spawned task actually process the bytes before the AsyncWriteStream's drop handler canceled the task.

Expected Results

I would expect that there would be some mechanism for ensuring that ongoing async writes complete before the Store is dropped.

Versions and Environment

This is the case on the latest version of wasmtime as of this writing.

Last updated: Feb 28 2025 at 02:27 UTC