Stream: git-wasmtime

Topic: wasmtime / issue #6741 Redesign Wasmtime's CLI flags

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Jul 17 2023 at 23:35):

alexcrichton opened issue #6741:

Currently the set of CLI flags added to Wasmtime has been ad-hoc and generally "throw another option in there" style historically, which is great for easily adding new options (which happens a fair bit), but I personally feel like there have been some growing pains that may be worthwhile to address sooner rather than later.

Some concerns I have with the current CLI are:

To be clear none of these are dealbreakers by any means. While I think the Wasmtime CLI is important the embedding API are where things "get serious" so it's ok for the CLI to not be perfect. That being said folks often interact with Wasmtime through the CLI to start off with and it's also mega-useful during development and debugging and such.

So given all the above I'd like to propose a (hopefully) brief bikeshed about the Wasmtime CLI. I'd like to ideally address the above concerns and provide guidelines of how to add new options into the future. This will hopefully clean up our CLI, make it a bit more ergonomic to use, all while not hindering our ability to easily add various knobs here and there as they're implemented.

At a high level my proposal is "let's do what rustc does". I'm very biased in that regard as I helped design rustc's CLI as well. Some things I like about rustc though are:

My proposal here for Wasmtime's option groups are:

Codegen options (-C or --codegen)

old cli flag new cli flag
--compiler <COMPILER> -C compiler=..
-O, --optimize -C opt-level=N / -O
--opt-level <LEVEL> -C opt-level=N
--config <CONFIG_PATH> -C cache-config=..
--disable-address-map -C address-map=no
--disable-cache -C cache=no
--disable-parallel-compilation -C parallel-compilation=no
--epoch-interruption -C epoch-interruption
-g -C debuginfo / -g
--dynamic-memory-guard-size <SIZE> -C dynamic-memory-guard-size=...
--static-memory-forced -C static-memory-forced
--static-memory-guard-size <SIZE> -C static-memory-guard-size=N
--static-memory-maximum-size <MAXIMUM> -C static-memory-maximum-size=N
--relaxed-simd-deterministic -C relaxed-simd-deterministic
--cranelift-enable <SETTING> -C cranelift-NAME
--enable-cranelift-debug-verifier -C cranelift-debug-verifier
--enable-cranelift-nan-canonicalization -C cranelift-nan-canonicalization
--cranelift-set <NAME=VALUE> -C cranelift-NAME=VALUE

Runtime options (-R or --runtime)

old cli flag new cli flag
--allow-unknown-exports -R unknown-exports-allow
--trap-unknown-imports -R unknown-imports-trap
--default-values-unknown-imports -R unknown-imports-default
--coredump-on-trap <PATH> -R coredump=..
--disable-logging -R logging=no
--disable-memory-init-cow -R memory-init-cow=no
--dynamic-memory-reserved-for-growth <SIZE> -R dynamic-memory-reserved-for-growth=...
--fuel <N> -R fuel=N
--log-to-files -R log-to-files
--max-instances <MAX_INSTANCES> -R max-instances=N
--max-memories <MAX_MEMORIES> -R max-memories=N
--max-memory-size <BYTES> -R max-memory-size=N
--max-table-elements <MAX_TABLE_ELEMENTS> -R max-table-elements=N
--max-tables <MAX_TABLES> -R max-tables=N
--max-wasm-stack <MAX_WASM_STACK> -R max-wasm-stack=N
--pooling-allocator -R pooling-allocator
--trap-on-grow-failure -R trap-on-grow-failure
--wasm-timeout <TIME> -R timeout=N

WASI options (-W or --wasi)

old cli flag new cli flag
--listenfd -W listenfd
--tcplisten <SOCKET ADDRESS> -W tcplisten=...
--wasi-modules <MODULE,MODULE,...> -W common
--wasi-modules <MODULE,MODULE,...> -W experimental-threads
--dir <DIRECTORY> -W dir=..
--mapdir <GUEST_DIR::HOST_DIR> -W dir=a::b
--env <NAME=VAL> --env ...

Other flags

These are the other flags supported by Wasmtime which don't necessarily fit into the groups above. They're either important enough I think they should stick around at the top level or they have enough of their own "sub-syntax" that I'm not sure they fit well in the groups above.

I'm curious what others think about this! If it's broadly amenable and folks are ok with the breakage I'm happy to implement this myself, I don't think it'll take all that long (perhaps just a day or so)

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Jul 18 2023 at 10:25):

sunfishcode commented on issue #6741:

Overall I like the ideas here; my main concern is that an end user may not always know whether something is a "codegen" option or a "runtime" option, for example epoch interruption or memory configuration. I don't have a fully formed idea yet, but I wonder if it would make sense to instead group the options by something like:

What do you think?

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Jul 18 2023 at 20:12):

alexcrichton commented on issue #6741:

Nah yeah I agree. My best strawman for an ordering like you're suggesting is something along the lines of:


old cli flag new cli flag
-O, --optimize -P opt-level=N / -O
--opt-level <LEVEL> -P opt-level=N
--dynamic-memory-guard-size <SIZE> -P dynamic-memory-guard-size=...
--static-memory-forced -P static-memory-forced
--static-memory-guard-size <SIZE> -P static-memory-guard-size=N
--static-memory-maximum-size <MAXIMUM> -P static-memory-maximum-size=N
--dynamic-memory-reserved-for-growth <SIZE> -P dynamic-memory-reserved-for-growth=...
--pooling-allocator -P pooling-allocator
--disable-memory-init-cow -P memory-init-cow=no
--compiler <COMPILER> -C compiler=..
--enable-cranelift-debug-verifier -C cranelift-debug-verifier
--cranelift-enable <SETTING> -C cranelift-NAME
--cranelift-set <NAME=VALUE> -C cranelift-NAME=VALUE
--config <CONFIG_PATH> -C cache-config=..
--disable-cache -C cache=no
--disable-parallel-compilation -C parallel-compilation=no
-g -D debuginfo / -g
--disable-address-map -D address-map=no
--disable-logging -D logging=no
--log-to-files -D log-to-files
--coredump-on-trap <PATH> -D coredump=..
--relaxed-simd-deterministic -W relaxed-simd-deterministic
--enable-cranelift-nan-canonicalization -W cranelift-nan-canonicalization
--fuel <N> -W fuel=N
--epoch-interruption -W epoch-interruption
--allow-unknown-exports -W unknown-exports-allow
--trap-unknown-imports -W unknown-imports-trap
--default-values-unknown-imports -W unknown-imports-default
--max-instances <MAX_INSTANCES> -W max-instances=N
--max-memories <MAX_MEMORIES> -W max-memories=N
--max-memory-size <BYTES> -W max-memory-size=N
--max-table-elements <MAX_TABLE_ELEMENTS> -W max-table-elements=N
--max-tables <MAX_TABLES> -W max-tables=N
--max-wasm-stack <MAX_WASM_STACK> -W max-wasm-stack=N
--trap-on-grow-failure -W trap-on-grow-failure
--wasm-timeout <TIME> -W timeout=N
--listenfd -S listenfd
--tcplisten <SOCKET ADDRESS> -S tcplisten=...
--wasi-modules <MODULE,MODULE,...> -S common
--wasi-modules <MODULE,MODULE,...> -S experimental-threads
--dir <DIRECTORY> -S dir=..
--mapdir <GUEST_DIR::HOST_DIR> -S dir=a::b


One thing that feels a bit odd though is that I was hoping for a clean split where wasmtime compile would be a strict subset of wasmtime run options or something like that. For example there's no need for wasmtime compile to support -S or -D options in theory. That's what I was roughly hoping for above where wasmtime compile would drop all the -R options but keep all the -C options.

Here it's not so straightforward though because fuel is both a wasm semantics option and a compilation option. Other wasm semantic options like max-memory-size don't affect the compilation though. This may not be a great thing to optimize for though and the more I think about it the more it feels sort of arbitrary.

In any case I like the idea of the categories you're thinking of too, would you move any of the above options around though?

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Jul 19 2023 at 17:35):

sunfishcode commented on issue #6741:

Some bikeshed suggestions:

The compile vs. run split is a good point. My best idea is to have compile accept all the same options as run, and record those options along with the output so that run can default to them. run could allow some of those flags to be overridden, but not all, because some will be baked into the compiled code. But it's awkward for users to figure out which flags need to be specified at compile and which can be overridden at run.

But maybe that's ok? Maybe the priority should be to make the simple run user experience the simplest, and organizing the options in terms of tuning/semantics/debugging/etc. seems best for that?

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Jul 19 2023 at 18:06):

fitzgen commented on issue #6741:

Don't feel like joining this particular bike shed, but one TODO item to record for posterity if we change the flags to enable different Wasm proposals is we will want to send a PR to update as well.

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Jul 19 2023 at 18:54):

alexcrichton commented on issue #6741:

I like the idea of -O for tuning, yeah, and renaming to nan-canonicalization sounds good to me. I also agree it's probably best to optimize for run and compile can do what's necessary to support the flags, so given that I think the proposal would be:

old cli flag new cli flag
-O, --optimize -O opt-level=N
--opt-level <LEVEL> -O opt-level=N
--dynamic-memory-guard-size <SIZE> -O dynamic-memory-guard-size=...
--static-memory-forced -O static-memory-forced
--static-memory-guard-size <SIZE> -O static-memory-guard-size=N
--static-memory-maximum-size <MAXIMUM> -O static-memory-maximum-size=N
--dynamic-memory-reserved-for-growth <SIZE> -O dynamic-memory-reserved-for-growth=...
--pooling-allocator -O pooling-allocator
--disable-memory-init-cow -O memory-init-cow=no
--compiler <COMPILER> -C compiler=..
--enable-cranelift-debug-verifier -C cranelift-debug-verifier
--cranelift-enable <SETTING> -C cranelift-NAME
--cranelift-set <NAME=VALUE> -C cranelift-NAME=VALUE
--config <CONFIG_PATH> -C cache-config=..
--disable-cache -C cache=no
--disable-parallel-compilation -C parallel-compilation=no
-g -D debuginfo / -g
--disable-address-map -D address-map=no
--disable-logging -D logging=no
--log-to-files -D log-to-files
--coredump-on-trap <PATH> -D coredump=..
--relaxed-simd-deterministic -W relaxed-simd-deterministic
--enable-cranelift-nan-canonicalization -W nan-canonicalization
--fuel <N> -W fuel=N
--epoch-interruption -W epoch-interruption
--allow-unknown-exports -W unknown-exports-allow
--trap-unknown-imports -W unknown-imports-trap
--default-values-unknown-imports -W unknown-imports-default
--max-instances <MAX_INSTANCES> -W max-instances=N
--max-memories <MAX_MEMORIES> -W max-memories=N
--max-memory-size <BYTES> -W max-memory-size=N
--max-table-elements <MAX_TABLE_ELEMENTS> -W max-table-elements=N
--max-tables <MAX_TABLES> -W max-tables=N
--max-wasm-stack <MAX_WASM_STACK> -W max-wasm-stack=N
--trap-on-grow-failure -W trap-on-grow-failure
--wasm-timeout <TIME> -W timeout=N
--listenfd -S listenfd
--tcplisten <SOCKET ADDRESS> -S tcplisten=...
--wasi-modules <MODULE,MODULE,...> -S common
--wasi-modules <MODULE,MODULE,...> -S experimental-threads
--dir <DIRECTORY> -S dir=..
--mapdir <GUEST_DIR::HOST_DIR> -S dir=a::b

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Jul 19 2023 at 19:05):

tschneidereit commented on issue #6741:

Also don't feel like I need to share my favorite shed coloring scheme, but a question: is it possible to have help output for specific flags? I.e., can I do wasmtime help run -O (or wasmtime help -O) and get output just for all -O flags?

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Jul 19 2023 at 19:06):

tschneidereit commented on issue #6741:

And another question: can we in redesigning this look into making flags available as env vars as well where reasonable? Ideally in a way that works for libwasmtime embeddings, not just the CLI? Obviously that doesn't make sense for most options, but it'd be excellent for debug/profiling things, for example.

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Jul 19 2023 at 22:49):

alexcrichton commented on issue #6741:

I'm not sure of a way to configure clap to do that, but I've also found that if I'm looking for a specific option then wasmtime --help | less and searching for foo is good enough for exploring a specific option. Or alternatively with the groups above it'd be wasmtime -W help or similar.

And another question: can we in redesigning this look into making flags available as env vars as well where reasonable? Ideally in a way that works for libwasmtime embeddings, not just the CLI?

On one hand this is easy because I think clap exposes the ability to do this. On the other hand this isn't easy because embeddings aren't using clap they're using Config. I do agree though that for profiling and debugging options env vars are mega-useful since you don't have to thread them around everywhere.

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Aug 29 2023 at 18:08):

alexcrichton commented on issue #6741:

I've made a PR for this at

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Oct 23 2023 at 10:54):

tschneidereit commented on issue #6741:

I guess we can close this?

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Oct 23 2023 at 14:33):

alexcrichton commented on issue #6741:

Ah yes, thanks!

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Oct 23 2023 at 14:33):

alexcrichton closed issue #6741:

Currently the set of CLI flags added to Wasmtime has been ad-hoc and generally "throw another option in there" style historically, which is great for easily adding new options (which happens a fair bit), but I personally feel like there have been some growing pains that may be worthwhile to address sooner rather than later.

Some concerns I have with the current CLI are:

To be clear none of these are dealbreakers by any means. While I think the Wasmtime CLI is important the embedding API are where things "get serious" so it's ok for the CLI to not be perfect. That being said folks often interact with Wasmtime through the CLI to start off with and it's also mega-useful during development and debugging and such.

So given all the above I'd like to propose a (hopefully) brief bikeshed about the Wasmtime CLI. I'd like to ideally address the above concerns and provide guidelines of how to add new options into the future. This will hopefully clean up our CLI, make it a bit more ergonomic to use, all while not hindering our ability to easily add various knobs here and there as they're implemented.

At a high level my proposal is "let's do what rustc does". I'm very biased in that regard as I helped design rustc's CLI as well. Some things I like about rustc though are:

My proposal here for Wasmtime's option groups are:

Codegen options (-C or --codegen)

old cli flag new cli flag
--compiler <COMPILER> -C compiler=..
-O, --optimize -C opt-level=N / -O
--opt-level <LEVEL> -C opt-level=N
--config <CONFIG_PATH> -C cache-config=..
--disable-address-map -C address-map=no
--disable-cache -C cache=no
--disable-parallel-compilation -C parallel-compilation=no
--epoch-interruption -C epoch-interruption
-g -C debuginfo / -g
--dynamic-memory-guard-size <SIZE> -C dynamic-memory-guard-size=...
--static-memory-forced -C static-memory-forced
--static-memory-guard-size <SIZE> -C static-memory-guard-size=N
--static-memory-maximum-size <MAXIMUM> -C static-memory-maximum-size=N
--relaxed-simd-deterministic -C relaxed-simd-deterministic
--cranelift-enable <SETTING> -C cranelift-NAME
--enable-cranelift-debug-verifier -C cranelift-debug-verifier
--enable-cranelift-nan-canonicalization -C cranelift-nan-canonicalization
--cranelift-set <NAME=VALUE> -C cranelift-NAME=VALUE

Runtime options (-R or --runtime)

old cli flag new cli flag
--allow-unknown-exports -R unknown-exports-allow
--trap-unknown-imports -R unknown-imports-trap
--default-values-unknown-imports -R unknown-imports-default
--coredump-on-trap <PATH> -R coredump=..
--disable-logging -R logging=no
--disable-memory-init-cow -R memory-init-cow=no
--dynamic-memory-reserved-for-growth <SIZE> -R dynamic-memory-reserved-for-growth=...
--fuel <N> -R fuel=N
--log-to-files -R log-to-files
--max-instances <MAX_INSTANCES> -R max-instances=N
--max-memories <MAX_MEMORIES> -R max-memories=N
--max-memory-size <BYTES> -R max-memory-size=N
--max-table-elements <MAX_TABLE_ELEMENTS> -R max-table-elements=N
--max-tables <MAX_TABLES> -R max-tables=N
--max-wasm-stack <MAX_WASM_STACK> -R max-wasm-stack=N
--pooling-allocator -R pooling-allocator
--trap-on-grow-failure -R trap-on-grow-failure
--wasm-timeout <TIME> -R timeout=N

WASI options (-W or --wasi)

old cli flag new cli flag
--listenfd -W listenfd
--tcplisten <SOCKET ADDRESS> -W tcplisten=...
--wasi-modules <MODULE,MODULE,...> -W common
--wasi-modules <MODULE,MODULE,...> -W experimental-threads
--dir <DIRECTORY> -W dir=..
--mapdir <GUEST_DIR::HOST_DIR> -W dir=a::b
--env <NAME=VAL> --env ...

Other flags

These are the other flags supported by Wasmtime which don't necessarily fit into the groups above. They're either important enough I think they should stick around at the top level or they have enough of their own "sub-syntax" that I'm not sure they fit well in the groups above.

I'm curious what others think about this! If it's broadly amenable and folks are ok with the breakage I'm happy to implement this myself, I don't think it'll take all that long (perhaps just a day or so)

Last updated: Feb 28 2025 at 03:10 UTC