Stream: git-wasmtime

Topic: wasmtime / issue #5839 Cranelift: Wrong `select` result o...

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Feb 20 2023 at 14:21):

afonso360 labeled issue #5839:

:wave: Hey,

.clif Test Case

test interpret
test run
set opt_level=speed
target riscv64gc

function %a(i8, i8) -> i32 {
block0(v0: i8, v1: i8):
    v2 = icmp sle v0, v1
    v3 = uextend.i32 v2
    v4 = iconst.i32 0
    v5 = iconst.i32 1
    v6 = icmp.i32 eq v3, v4  ; v4 = 0
    v7 = select v6, v5, v3  ; v5 = 1
    return v7

; run: %a(20, -11) == 1

Steps to Reproduce

Expected Results

The test to pass

Actual Results

     Running `qemu-riscv64 -L /usr/riscv64-linux-gnu -E LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/riscv64-linux-gnu/lib /home/afonso/git/wasmtime/target/riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/clif-util test ./lmao.clif`
 ERROR cranelift_filetests::concurrent > FAIL: run
FAIL ./lmao.clif: run

Caused by:
    Failed test: run: %a(20, -11) == 1, actual: 0
1 tests
Error: 1 failure

Versions and Environment

Cranelift version or commit: 1e6c94bec1a56a88ea3df518de0d073d26596580 (current main)

Operating system: Linux

Architecture: RISC-V

Extra Info

This testcase only fails with opt_level=speed, without it, it passes.

<summary>Disassembly with opt_level=none</summary>

Disassembly of 72 bytes:
   0:   13 18 85 03             slli    a6, a0, 0x38
   4:   13 58 88 43             srai    a6, a6, 0x38
   8:   13 9e 85 03             slli    t3, a1, 0x38
   c:   13 5e 8e 43             srai    t3, t3, 0x38
  10:   63 46 0e 01             blt     t3, a6, 0xc
  14:   93 02 10 00             addi    t0, zero, 1
  18:   6f 00 80 00             j       8
  1c:   93 02 00 00             mv      t0, zero
  20:   13 fe f2 0f             andi    t3, t0, 0xff
  24:   1b 07 0e 00             sext.w  a4, t3
  28:   13 08 00 00             mv      a6, zero
  2c:   9b 0e 08 00             sext.w  t4, a6
  30:   93 02 10 00             addi    t0, zero, 1
  34:   63 06 d7 01             beq     a4, t4, 0xc
  38:   13 65 0e 00             ori     a0, t3, 0
  3c:   6f 00 80 00             j       8
  40:   13 e5 02 00             ori     a0, t0, 0
  44:   67 80 00 00             ret


<summary>Disassembly with opt_level=speed</summary>

Disassembly of 68 bytes:
   0:   93 08 10 00             addi    a7, zero, 1
   4:   93 17 85 03             slli    a5, a0, 0x38
   8:   93 d7 87 43             srai    a5, a5, 0x38
   c:   13 9e 85 03             slli    t3, a1, 0x38
  10:   13 5e 8e 43             srai    t3, t3, 0x38
  14:   63 46 fe 00             blt     t3, a5, 0xc
  18:   93 0e 10 00             addi    t4, zero, 1
  1c:   6f 00 80 00             j       8
  20:   93 0e 00 00             mv      t4, zero
  24:   13 fe fe 0f             andi    t3, t4, 0xff
  28:   93 77 f5 0f             andi    a5, a0, 0xff
  2c:   93 fe f5 0f             andi    t4, a1, 0xff
  30:   63 c6 fe 00             blt     t4, a5, 0xc
  34:   13 65 0e 00             ori     a0, t3, 0
  38:   6f 00 80 00             j       8
  3c:   13 e5 08 00             ori     a0, a7, 0
  40:   67 80 00 00             ret


cc: @yuyang-ok

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Feb 20 2023 at 14:21):

afonso360 opened issue #5839:

:wave: Hey,

.clif Test Case

test interpret
test run
set opt_level=speed
target riscv64gc

function %a(i8, i8) -> i32 {
block0(v0: i8, v1: i8):
    v2 = icmp sle v0, v1
    v3 = uextend.i32 v2
    v4 = iconst.i32 0
    v5 = iconst.i32 1
    v6 = icmp.i32 eq v3, v4  ; v4 = 0
    v7 = select v6, v5, v3  ; v5 = 1
    return v7

; run: %a(20, -11) == 1

Steps to Reproduce

Expected Results

The test to pass

Actual Results

     Running `qemu-riscv64 -L /usr/riscv64-linux-gnu -E LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/riscv64-linux-gnu/lib /home/afonso/git/wasmtime/target/riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/clif-util test ./lmao.clif`
 ERROR cranelift_filetests::concurrent > FAIL: run
FAIL ./lmao.clif: run

Caused by:
    Failed test: run: %a(20, -11) == 1, actual: 0
1 tests
Error: 1 failure

Versions and Environment

Cranelift version or commit: 1e6c94bec1a56a88ea3df518de0d073d26596580 (current main)

Operating system: Linux

Architecture: RISC-V

Extra Info

This testcase only fails with opt_level=speed, without it, it passes.

<summary>Disassembly with opt_level=none</summary>

Disassembly of 72 bytes:
   0:   13 18 85 03             slli    a6, a0, 0x38
   4:   13 58 88 43             srai    a6, a6, 0x38
   8:   13 9e 85 03             slli    t3, a1, 0x38
   c:   13 5e 8e 43             srai    t3, t3, 0x38
  10:   63 46 0e 01             blt     t3, a6, 0xc
  14:   93 02 10 00             addi    t0, zero, 1
  18:   6f 00 80 00             j       8
  1c:   93 02 00 00             mv      t0, zero
  20:   13 fe f2 0f             andi    t3, t0, 0xff
  24:   1b 07 0e 00             sext.w  a4, t3
  28:   13 08 00 00             mv      a6, zero
  2c:   9b 0e 08 00             sext.w  t4, a6
  30:   93 02 10 00             addi    t0, zero, 1
  34:   63 06 d7 01             beq     a4, t4, 0xc
  38:   13 65 0e 00             ori     a0, t3, 0
  3c:   6f 00 80 00             j       8
  40:   13 e5 02 00             ori     a0, t0, 0
  44:   67 80 00 00             ret


<summary>Disassembly with opt_level=speed</summary>

Disassembly of 68 bytes:
   0:   93 08 10 00             addi    a7, zero, 1
   4:   93 17 85 03             slli    a5, a0, 0x38
   8:   93 d7 87 43             srai    a5, a5, 0x38
   c:   13 9e 85 03             slli    t3, a1, 0x38
  10:   13 5e 8e 43             srai    t3, t3, 0x38
  14:   63 46 fe 00             blt     t3, a5, 0xc
  18:   93 0e 10 00             addi    t4, zero, 1
  1c:   6f 00 80 00             j       8
  20:   93 0e 00 00             mv      t4, zero
  24:   13 fe fe 0f             andi    t3, t4, 0xff
  28:   93 77 f5 0f             andi    a5, a0, 0xff
  2c:   93 fe f5 0f             andi    t4, a1, 0xff
  30:   63 c6 fe 00             blt     t4, a5, 0xc
  34:   13 65 0e 00             ori     a0, t3, 0
  38:   6f 00 80 00             j       8
  3c:   13 e5 08 00             ori     a0, a7, 0
  40:   67 80 00 00             ret


cc: @yuyang-ok

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Feb 20 2023 at 14:21):

afonso360 labeled issue #5839:

:wave: Hey,

.clif Test Case

test interpret
test run
set opt_level=speed
target riscv64gc

function %a(i8, i8) -> i32 {
block0(v0: i8, v1: i8):
    v2 = icmp sle v0, v1
    v3 = uextend.i32 v2
    v4 = iconst.i32 0
    v5 = iconst.i32 1
    v6 = icmp.i32 eq v3, v4  ; v4 = 0
    v7 = select v6, v5, v3  ; v5 = 1
    return v7

; run: %a(20, -11) == 1

Steps to Reproduce

Expected Results

The test to pass

Actual Results

     Running `qemu-riscv64 -L /usr/riscv64-linux-gnu -E LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/riscv64-linux-gnu/lib /home/afonso/git/wasmtime/target/riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/clif-util test ./lmao.clif`
 ERROR cranelift_filetests::concurrent > FAIL: run
FAIL ./lmao.clif: run

Caused by:
    Failed test: run: %a(20, -11) == 1, actual: 0
1 tests
Error: 1 failure

Versions and Environment

Cranelift version or commit: 1e6c94bec1a56a88ea3df518de0d073d26596580 (current main)

Operating system: Linux

Architecture: RISC-V

Extra Info

This testcase only fails with opt_level=speed, without it, it passes.

<summary>Disassembly with opt_level=none</summary>

Disassembly of 72 bytes:
   0:   13 18 85 03             slli    a6, a0, 0x38
   4:   13 58 88 43             srai    a6, a6, 0x38
   8:   13 9e 85 03             slli    t3, a1, 0x38
   c:   13 5e 8e 43             srai    t3, t3, 0x38
  10:   63 46 0e 01             blt     t3, a6, 0xc
  14:   93 02 10 00             addi    t0, zero, 1
  18:   6f 00 80 00             j       8
  1c:   93 02 00 00             mv      t0, zero
  20:   13 fe f2 0f             andi    t3, t0, 0xff
  24:   1b 07 0e 00             sext.w  a4, t3
  28:   13 08 00 00             mv      a6, zero
  2c:   9b 0e 08 00             sext.w  t4, a6
  30:   93 02 10 00             addi    t0, zero, 1
  34:   63 06 d7 01             beq     a4, t4, 0xc
  38:   13 65 0e 00             ori     a0, t3, 0
  3c:   6f 00 80 00             j       8
  40:   13 e5 02 00             ori     a0, t0, 0
  44:   67 80 00 00             ret


<summary>Disassembly with opt_level=speed</summary>

Disassembly of 68 bytes:
   0:   93 08 10 00             addi    a7, zero, 1
   4:   93 17 85 03             slli    a5, a0, 0x38
   8:   93 d7 87 43             srai    a5, a5, 0x38
   c:   13 9e 85 03             slli    t3, a1, 0x38
  10:   13 5e 8e 43             srai    t3, t3, 0x38
  14:   63 46 fe 00             blt     t3, a5, 0xc
  18:   93 0e 10 00             addi    t4, zero, 1
  1c:   6f 00 80 00             j       8
  20:   93 0e 00 00             mv      t4, zero
  24:   13 fe fe 0f             andi    t3, t4, 0xff
  28:   93 77 f5 0f             andi    a5, a0, 0xff
  2c:   93 fe f5 0f             andi    t4, a1, 0xff
  30:   63 c6 fe 00             blt     t4, a5, 0xc
  34:   13 65 0e 00             ori     a0, t3, 0
  38:   6f 00 80 00             j       8
  3c:   13 e5 08 00             ori     a0, a7, 0
  40:   67 80 00 00             ret


cc: @yuyang-ok

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Feb 20 2023 at 14:21):

afonso360 labeled issue #5839:

:wave: Hey,

.clif Test Case

test interpret
test run
set opt_level=speed
target riscv64gc

function %a(i8, i8) -> i32 {
block0(v0: i8, v1: i8):
    v2 = icmp sle v0, v1
    v3 = uextend.i32 v2
    v4 = iconst.i32 0
    v5 = iconst.i32 1
    v6 = icmp.i32 eq v3, v4  ; v4 = 0
    v7 = select v6, v5, v3  ; v5 = 1
    return v7

; run: %a(20, -11) == 1

Steps to Reproduce

Expected Results

The test to pass

Actual Results

     Running `qemu-riscv64 -L /usr/riscv64-linux-gnu -E LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/riscv64-linux-gnu/lib /home/afonso/git/wasmtime/target/riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/clif-util test ./lmao.clif`
 ERROR cranelift_filetests::concurrent > FAIL: run
FAIL ./lmao.clif: run

Caused by:
    Failed test: run: %a(20, -11) == 1, actual: 0
1 tests
Error: 1 failure

Versions and Environment

Cranelift version or commit: 1e6c94bec1a56a88ea3df518de0d073d26596580 (current main)

Operating system: Linux

Architecture: RISC-V

Extra Info

This testcase only fails with opt_level=speed, without it, it passes.

<summary>Disassembly with opt_level=none</summary>

Disassembly of 72 bytes:
   0:   13 18 85 03             slli    a6, a0, 0x38
   4:   13 58 88 43             srai    a6, a6, 0x38
   8:   13 9e 85 03             slli    t3, a1, 0x38
   c:   13 5e 8e 43             srai    t3, t3, 0x38
  10:   63 46 0e 01             blt     t3, a6, 0xc
  14:   93 02 10 00             addi    t0, zero, 1
  18:   6f 00 80 00             j       8
  1c:   93 02 00 00             mv      t0, zero
  20:   13 fe f2 0f             andi    t3, t0, 0xff
  24:   1b 07 0e 00             sext.w  a4, t3
  28:   13 08 00 00             mv      a6, zero
  2c:   9b 0e 08 00             sext.w  t4, a6
  30:   93 02 10 00             addi    t0, zero, 1
  34:   63 06 d7 01             beq     a4, t4, 0xc
  38:   13 65 0e 00             ori     a0, t3, 0
  3c:   6f 00 80 00             j       8
  40:   13 e5 02 00             ori     a0, t0, 0
  44:   67 80 00 00             ret


<summary>Disassembly with opt_level=speed</summary>

Disassembly of 68 bytes:
   0:   93 08 10 00             addi    a7, zero, 1
   4:   93 17 85 03             slli    a5, a0, 0x38
   8:   93 d7 87 43             srai    a5, a5, 0x38
   c:   13 9e 85 03             slli    t3, a1, 0x38
  10:   13 5e 8e 43             srai    t3, t3, 0x38
  14:   63 46 fe 00             blt     t3, a5, 0xc
  18:   93 0e 10 00             addi    t4, zero, 1
  1c:   6f 00 80 00             j       8
  20:   93 0e 00 00             mv      t4, zero
  24:   13 fe fe 0f             andi    t3, t4, 0xff
  28:   93 77 f5 0f             andi    a5, a0, 0xff
  2c:   93 fe f5 0f             andi    t4, a1, 0xff
  30:   63 c6 fe 00             blt     t4, a5, 0xc
  34:   13 65 0e 00             ori     a0, t3, 0
  38:   6f 00 80 00             j       8
  3c:   13 e5 08 00             ori     a0, a7, 0
  40:   67 80 00 00             ret


cc: @yuyang-ok

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Feb 21 2023 at 02:18):

yuyang-ok commented on issue #5839:

This is a little wired to me.
The code is change after alias analyze.

function u0:0(i8, i8) -> i32 system_v {
block0(v0: i8, v1: i8):
v2 = icmp sle v0, v1
v3 = uextend.i32 v2
v4 = iconst.i32 0
v5 = iconst.i32 1
v6 = icmp eq v3, v4 ; v4 = 0
v7 = select v6, v5, v3 ; v5 = 1
return v7

after alias analyze.

function u0:0(i8, i8) -> i32 system_v {
block0(v0: i8, v1: i8):
v8 = icmp sgt v0, v1
v5 = iconst.i32 1
v2 = icmp sle v0, v1
v3 = uextend.i32 v2
v7 = select v8, v5, v3 ; v5 = 1
return v7

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Feb 21 2023 at 02:22):

yuyang-ok edited a comment on issue #5839:

This is a little wired to me.
The code is change after alias analyze.

function u0:0(i8, i8) -> i32 system_v {
block0(v0: i8, v1: i8):
v2 = icmp sle v0, v1
v3 = uextend.i32 v2
v4 = iconst.i32 0
v5 = iconst.i32 1
v6 = icmp eq v3, v4 ; v4 = 0
v7 = select v6, v5, v3 ; v5 = 1
return v7

after alias analyze.

function u0:0(i8, i8) -> i32 system_v {
block0(v0: i8, v1: i8):
v8 = icmp sgt v0, v1
v5 = iconst.i32 1
v2 = icmp sle v0, v1
v3 = uextend.i32 v2
v7 = select v8, v5, v3 ; v5 = 1
return v7

full log are.


view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Feb 21 2023 at 02:44):

yuyang-ok edited a comment on issue #5839:

This is a little wired to me.
The code has changed after alias analyze.

function u0:0(i8, i8) -> i32 system_v {
block0(v0: i8, v1: i8):
v2 = icmp sle v0, v1
v3 = uextend.i32 v2
v4 = iconst.i32 0
v5 = iconst.i32 1
v6 = icmp eq v3, v4 ; v4 = 0
v7 = select v6, v5, v3 ; v5 = 1
return v7

after alias analyze.

function u0:0(i8, i8) -> i32 system_v {
block0(v0: i8, v1: i8):
v8 = icmp sgt v0, v1
v5 = iconst.i32 1
v2 = icmp sle v0, v1
v3 = uextend.i32 v2
v7 = select v8, v5, v3 ; v5 = 1
return v7

full log are.


view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Feb 21 2023 at 05:57):

yuyang-ok edited a comment on issue #5839:

This is a little wired to me.
The code has changed after alias analyze.

function u0:0(i8, i8) -> i32 system_v {
block0(v0: i8, v1: i8):
v2 = icmp sle v0, v1
v3 = uextend.i32 v2
v4 = iconst.i32 0
v5 = iconst.i32 1
v6 = icmp eq v3, v4 ; v4 = 0
v7 = select v6, v5, v3 ; v5 = 1
return v7

after alias analyze.

function u0:0(i8, i8) -> i32 system_v {
block0(v0: i8, v1: i8):
v8 = icmp sgt v0, v1
v5 = iconst.i32 1
v2 = icmp sle v0, v1
v3 = uextend.i32 v2
v7 = select v8, v5, v3 ; v5 = 1
return v7

full log are.


v7 = select v8, v5, v3 ; v5 = 1

This is wired. How come a `icmp eq` can become a `icmp sgt`.

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Feb 24 2023 at 11:05):

yuyang-ok deleted a comment on issue #5839:

This is a little wired to me.
The code has changed after alias analyze.

function u0:0(i8, i8) -> i32 system_v {
block0(v0: i8, v1: i8):
v2 = icmp sle v0, v1
v3 = uextend.i32 v2
v4 = iconst.i32 0
v5 = iconst.i32 1
v6 = icmp eq v3, v4 ; v4 = 0
v7 = select v6, v5, v3 ; v5 = 1
return v7

after alias analyze.

function u0:0(i8, i8) -> i32 system_v {
block0(v0: i8, v1: i8):
v8 = icmp sgt v0, v1
v5 = iconst.i32 1
v2 = icmp sle v0, v1
v3 = uextend.i32 v2
v7 = select v8, v5, v3 ; v5 = 1
return v7

full log are.


v7 = select v8, v5, v3 ; v5 = 1

This is wired. How come a `icmp eq` can become a `icmp sgt`.

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Feb 24 2023 at 11:06):

yuyang-ok commented on issue #5839:

The code have been change from origin implementation.
I see a normalize_cmp_value is wrong.
riscv64 can only compare int64 value.
normalize_cmp_value should do a singed extend rather than zero extend on I8 and I16 .

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Feb 24 2023 at 11:12):

yuyang-ok edited a comment on issue #5839:

The code have been change from origin implementation.
I see a normalize_cmp_value is wrong.
riscv64 can only compare int64 value.
normalize_cmp_value should do a singed extend rather than zero extend on I8 and I16 .
I see i32 implemented correctly.

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Feb 24 2023 at 11:15):

yuyang-ok edited a comment on issue #5839:

The code have been change from origin implementation.
I see a normalize_cmp_value is wrong.
riscv64 can only compare int64 value.
normalize_cmp_value should do a singed extend rather than zero extend on I8 and I16 .
i32 implemented correctly.

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Feb 24 2023 at 12:14):

yuyang-ok edited a comment on issue #5839:

This is because We should signed extend the value instead of unsigned extend

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Feb 28 2023 at 23:37):

jameysharp closed issue #5839:

:wave: Hey,

.clif Test Case

test interpret
test run
set opt_level=speed
target riscv64gc

function %a(i8, i8) -> i32 {
block0(v0: i8, v1: i8):
    v2 = icmp sle v0, v1
    v3 = uextend.i32 v2
    v4 = iconst.i32 0
    v5 = iconst.i32 1
    v6 = icmp.i32 eq v3, v4  ; v4 = 0
    v7 = select v6, v5, v3  ; v5 = 1
    return v7

; run: %a(20, -11) == 1

Steps to Reproduce

Expected Results

The test to pass

Actual Results

     Running `qemu-riscv64 -L /usr/riscv64-linux-gnu -E LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/riscv64-linux-gnu/lib /home/afonso/git/wasmtime/target/riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/clif-util test ./lmao.clif`
 ERROR cranelift_filetests::concurrent > FAIL: run
FAIL ./lmao.clif: run

Caused by:
    Failed test: run: %a(20, -11) == 1, actual: 0
1 tests
Error: 1 failure

Versions and Environment

Cranelift version or commit: 1e6c94bec1a56a88ea3df518de0d073d26596580 (current main)

Operating system: Linux

Architecture: RISC-V

Extra Info

This testcase only fails with opt_level=speed, without it, it passes.

<summary>Disassembly with opt_level=none</summary>

Disassembly of 72 bytes:
   0:   13 18 85 03             slli    a6, a0, 0x38
   4:   13 58 88 43             srai    a6, a6, 0x38
   8:   13 9e 85 03             slli    t3, a1, 0x38
   c:   13 5e 8e 43             srai    t3, t3, 0x38
  10:   63 46 0e 01             blt     t3, a6, 0xc
  14:   93 02 10 00             addi    t0, zero, 1
  18:   6f 00 80 00             j       8
  1c:   93 02 00 00             mv      t0, zero
  20:   13 fe f2 0f             andi    t3, t0, 0xff
  24:   1b 07 0e 00             sext.w  a4, t3
  28:   13 08 00 00             mv      a6, zero
  2c:   9b 0e 08 00             sext.w  t4, a6
  30:   93 02 10 00             addi    t0, zero, 1
  34:   63 06 d7 01             beq     a4, t4, 0xc
  38:   13 65 0e 00             ori     a0, t3, 0
  3c:   6f 00 80 00             j       8
  40:   13 e5 02 00             ori     a0, t0, 0
  44:   67 80 00 00             ret


<summary>Disassembly with opt_level=speed</summary>

Disassembly of 68 bytes:
   0:   93 08 10 00             addi    a7, zero, 1
   4:   93 17 85 03             slli    a5, a0, 0x38
   8:   93 d7 87 43             srai    a5, a5, 0x38
   c:   13 9e 85 03             slli    t3, a1, 0x38
  10:   13 5e 8e 43             srai    t3, t3, 0x38
  14:   63 46 fe 00             blt     t3, a5, 0xc
  18:   93 0e 10 00             addi    t4, zero, 1
  1c:   6f 00 80 00             j       8
  20:   93 0e 00 00             mv      t4, zero
  24:   13 fe fe 0f             andi    t3, t4, 0xff
  28:   93 77 f5 0f             andi    a5, a0, 0xff
  2c:   93 fe f5 0f             andi    t4, a1, 0xff
  30:   63 c6 fe 00             blt     t4, a5, 0xc
  34:   13 65 0e 00             ori     a0, t3, 0
  38:   6f 00 80 00             j       8
  3c:   13 e5 08 00             ori     a0, a7, 0
  40:   67 80 00 00             ret


cc: @yuyang-ok

Last updated: Feb 28 2025 at 02:27 UTC