kulakowski-wasm opened issue #4276.
kulakowski-wasm edited issue #4276:
- [ ] Update wasi-sockets to use streams instead of push/pullbuffer
spacewander commented on issue #4276:
Is there any update for the wasi-sockets support?
huangjj27 commented on issue #4276:
maybe releated to https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/pull/4776
abrown commented on issue #4276:
I think we should close this: sockets are implemented in wasi-common as of #4776. The switch to streams from buffers is pushed to a later date, I think (@sunfishcode?), so for clarity's sake it would be better to mark this done until that switch happens.
sunfishcode commented on issue #4276:
Wasmtime does have support for the
sockets API that was added to preview1."wasi-sockets" refers to this preview2 proposal, which wasmtime doesn't support yet, though we are working on it.
badeend commented on issue #4276:
I think this can be closed now
pchickey closed issue #4276:
- [ ] Update wasi-sockets to use streams instead of push/pullbuffer
Last updated: Feb 28 2025 at 03:10 UTC