cfallin requested fitzgen for a review on PR #7280.
cfallin requested wasmtime-compiler-reviewers for a review on PR #7280.
cfallin opened PR #7280 from cfallin:pcc-opts
to bytecodealliance:main
This turns out to be quite simple: the fundamental operation during egraph-based optimization is to merge eclasses, which is an assertion that their value is equal. Since the values of either side of the merge are equal, a fact about one side is a fact about the other, and vice-versa.
Since we only support one fact at most per value, we can't take the union of all facts; instead, if one side is missing a fact, or if both sides have exactly the same fact, we keep that one; otherwise we go to a special "conflict" fact that can't support any check. This is edging closer to a fact-lattice, but I opted not to go there with a full meet-function merge yet, for simplicity. (It's a little complex because of the "minimum fact" we can know about a value based on its type -- if we're going to do something better, I think we should account for that too.)
In any case, that complexity mostly isn't needed, because the two cases that happen in reality are (i) opt rules rewrite to a new node, which will have no facts at all, so facts just propagate; or (ii) GVN merges two values in the input program into one, but if both are the same value, in practice the Wasm PCC frontend (for example) should be producing the same facts on both values, so the merge is trivial.
Please make sure you include the following information:
If this work has been discussed elsewhere, please include a link to that
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fitzgen submitted PR review.
fitzgen merged PR #7280.
Last updated: Feb 28 2025 at 03:10 UTC