saulecabrera opened PR #6700 from saulecabrera:winch-local-tee
to bytecodealliance:main
This commit adds support for the
instruction. This change also introduces a refactoring to the original implementation oflocal.set
to be able to share most of the code for the implementation oflocal.tee
Please make sure you include the following information:
If this work has been discussed elsewhere, please include a link to that
conversation. If it was discussed in an issue, just mention "issue #...".Explain why this change is needed. If the details are in an issue already,
this can be brief.Our development process is documented in the Wasmtime book: ensure all communication follows the code of conduct:
saulecabrera requested fitzgen for a review on PR #6700.
saulecabrera requested wasmtime-fuzz-reviewers for a review on PR #6700.
saulecabrera requested wasmtime-core-reviewers for a review on PR #6700.
saulecabrera requested wasmtime-compiler-reviewers for a review on PR #6700.
saulecabrera requested cfallin for a review on PR #6700.
cfallin submitted PR review:
cfallin submitted PR review:
cfallin created PR review comment:
This comment is a little ambiguous, especially in combination with the context of
-- I would expect it to use the value at the TOS, but not pop it. Could we say "Pops the value at the stack top and assigns it to the local ..."?
saulecabrera updated PR #6700.
saulecabrera created PR review comment:
Sure, that makes sense to me. Done, thanks!
saulecabrera has enabled auto merge for PR #6700.
saulecabrera merged PR #6700.
Last updated: Mar 07 2025 at 02:27 UTC