alexcrichton edited PR #10123.
alexcrichton edited PR #10123.
alexcrichton commented on PR #10123:
(sorry missed I had two commits here so I've updated the PR title/description with what I intended)
alexcrichton commented on PR #10123:
An example of this:
[2025-01-27T17:16:09Z DEBUG wasmtime_fuzzing::oracles] running "/home/alex/code/wasmtime/tests/spec_testsuite/simd_load_extend.wast" [2025-01-27T17:16:09Z DEBUG wasmtime_fuzzing::generators::config] creating wasmtime config with WasmtimeConfig { opt_level: SpeedAndSize, regalloc_algorithm: Backtracking, debug_info: false, canonicalize_nans: false, interruptable: false, consume_fuel: true, epoch_interruption: false, memory_config: CustomUnaligned, force_jump_veneers: false, memory_init_cow: false, memory_guaranteed_dense_image_size: 2314885530818453536, use_precompiled_cwasm: false, async_stack_zeroing: false, strategy: OnDemand, codegen: Native, padding_between_functions: None, generate_address_map: false, native_unwind_info: false, compiler_strategy: Winch, collector: Null, table_lazy_init: true, pcc: true, async_config: Disabled, signals_based_traps: true, }
[2025-01-27T17:15:44Z DEBUG wasmtime_fuzzing::oracles] running "/home/alex/code/wasmtime/tests/spec_testsuite/simd_load_extend.wast" [2025-01-27T17:15:44Z DEBUG wasmtime_fuzzing::generators::config] a custom unaligned host memory will be in use [2025-01-27T17:15:44Z DEBUG wasmtime_fuzzing::generators::config] creating wasmtime config with CLI options: -Ccompiler=winch -Ccollector=null -Cparallel-compilation=n -Cnative-unwind-info=n -Oopt-level=s -Oregalloc-algorithm=backtracking -Omemory-reservation=0 -Omemory-reservation-for-growth=0 -Omemory-guard-size=0 -Oguard-before-linear-memory=n -Omemory-init-cow=n -Omemory-guaranteed-dense-image-size=16777216 -Osignals-based-traps=y -Wnan-canonicalization=n -Wfuel=18446744073709551615 -Wepoch-interruption=n -Wasync-stack-zeroing=n -Wbulk-memory=y -Wmulti-memory=n -Wmulti-value=y -Wreference-types=y -Wsimd=y -Wtail-call=n -Wthreads=n -Wmemory64=n -Wcomponent-model-more-flags=n -Wcomponent-model-async=n -Wfunction-references=n -Wgc=n -Wcustom-page-sizes=n -Wwide-arithmetic=n -Wextended-const=n -Daddress-map=n
alexcrichton updated PR #10123.
alexcrichton updated PR #10123.
alexcrichton updated PR #10123.
abrown submitted PR review:
Seems pretty useful!
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #10123:
Subscribe to Label Action
cc @fitzgen
This issue or pull request has been labeled: "fuzzing", "wasmtime:api", "wasmtime:config"Thus the following users have been cc'd because of the following labels:
- fitzgen: fuzzing
To subscribe or unsubscribe from this label, edit the <code>.github/subscribe-to-label.json</code> configuration file.
Learn more.
alexcrichton updated PR #10123.
alexcrichton has enabled auto merge for PR #10123.
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #10123:
Label Messager: wasmtime:config
It looks like you are changing Wasmtime's configuration options. Make sure to
complete this check list:
[ ] If you added a new
method, you wrote extensive documentation for
Our documentation should be of the following form:
Short, simple summary sentence.More details. These details can be multiple paragraphs. There should be
information about not just the method, but its parameters and results as
well.Is this method fallible? If so, when can it return an error?
Can this method panic? If so, when does it panic?
Optional example here.
[ ] If you added a new
method, or modified an existing one, you
ensured that this configuration is exercised by the fuzz targets.<details>
For example, if you expose a new strategy for allocating the next instance
slot inside the pooling allocator, you should ensure that at least one of our
fuzz targets exercises that new strategy.Often, all that is required of you is to ensure that there is a knob for this
configuration option in [wasmtime_fuzzing::Config
][fuzzing-config] (or one
of its nestedstruct
s).Rarely, this may require authoring a new fuzz target to specifically test this
configuration. See [our docs on fuzzing][fuzzing-docs] for more details.</details>
[ ] If you are enabling a configuration option by default, make sure that it
has been fuzzed for at least two weeks before turning it on by default.[fuzzing-config]:
To modify this label's message, edit the <code>.github/label-messager/</code> file.
To add new label messages or remove existing label messages, edit the
<code>.github/label-messager.json</code> configuration file.</details>
alexcrichton merged PR #10123.
Last updated: Feb 28 2025 at 03:10 UTC