Stream: git-wasmtime

Topic: wasmtime / Issue #1583 Cranelift: rename `PrimaryMap` and...

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Apr 23 2020 at 05:19):

julian-seward1 opened Issue #1583:

The names PrimaryMap and SecondaryMap are misleading and un-descriptive. For the benefit of readers and maintainers of Cranelift, and especially newcomers, I propose we give them better names.

I suggest to rename PrimaryMap to FixedSizeVec and SecondaryMap to AutoResizeVec:

I believe that accurate naming is important, and this would be a small but important step in making Cranelift easier to understand. If there is general support I will happily prepare a patch.

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Apr 23 2020 at 05:20):

julian-seward1 edited Issue #1583:

The names PrimaryMap and SecondaryMap are misleading and un-descriptive. For the benefit of readers and maintainers of Cranelift, and especially newcomers, I propose we give them better names.

I suggest to rename PrimaryMap to FixedSizeVec and SecondaryMap to AutoResizeVec:

I believe that accurate naming is important, and this would be a small but important step in making Cranelift easier to understand. If there is general support I will happily prepare a patch.

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Apr 23 2020 at 05:28):

julian-seward1 commented on Issue #1583:

The change could be done incrementally, so as to avoid massive merge conflicts. First create the new names as (type) aliases of the old ones. Then we can incrementally move smaller sections of the code base to the new names, and remove the old ones when all sections have been changed.

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Apr 23 2020 at 09:19):

bjorn3 commented on Issue #1583:

it doesn't claim they are maps, which they aren't

It maps from a key (the index) to a value.

Primary and Secondary suggest some relationship between individual maps which simply doesn't exist.

To me a relationship does exists: A PrimaryMap contains entity definitions, while a SecundaryMap contains metadata about (some of) those definitions.

I thought: how do I find all the SecondaryMaps associated with a PrimaryMap?

Look at all SecundaryMaps with the same index type as the PrimaryMap.

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Apr 23 2020 at 12:29):

froydnj commented on Issue #1583:

To me a relationship does exists: A PrimaryMap contains entity definitions, while a SecundaryMap contains metadata about (some of) those definitions.

I also found this naming convention confusing when trying to figure out the codebase. Maybe EntityMap and AttributeMap (or something like it) would be more evocative names, then?

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Apr 23 2020 at 12:56):

julian-seward1 commented on Issue #1583:

I thought: how do I find all the SecondaryMaps associated with a PrimaryMap?
Look at all SecundaryMaps with the same index type as the PrimaryMap.

But that's mere programming convention, right? There's no particular reason why a PrimaryMap<K, U> should have any particular relationship with some other SecondaryMap<K, V>. It might, but it might not. If there is to be a relationship, that should be shown through the variable names, not the type names.

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Apr 23 2020 at 12:56):

julian-seward1 edited a comment on Issue #1583:

I thought: how do I find all the SecondaryMaps associated with a PrimaryMap?
Look at all SecundaryMaps with the same index type as the PrimaryMap.

But that's mere programming convention, right? There's no particular reason why a PrimaryMap<K, U> should have a relationship with some other SecondaryMap<K, V>. It might, but it might not. If there is to be a relationship, that should be shown through the variable names, not the type names.

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Apr 23 2020 at 13:01):

julian-seward1 edited a comment on Issue #1583:

I thought: how do I find all the SecondaryMaps associated with a PrimaryMap?
Look at all SecundaryMaps with the same index type as the PrimaryMap.

But that's really something that just happens to mostly be true inside small sections of code, maybe a function or a group of functions, right? There's no particular reason why a PrimaryMap<K, U> should in general be interpreted as having a relationship with some other SecondaryMap<K, V>. It might, but it might not. If there is to be a relationship, that should be shown through the variable names, not the type names.

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Apr 23 2020 at 15:20):

sunfishcode commented on Issue #1583:

The way we use PrimaryMap, we give it a distinct key type which identifies a conceptual index space. It isn't an arbitrary type that unrelated code might happen to use; it's a "newtype" created for a particular purpose which ensures that you don't accidentally use an index meant for one index space in another.

For example, anywhere in Cranelift you see a Value, it's related to Function's values PrimaryMap. We don't always make this explicit in variable names, because it's clear from the type. Similarly, anywhere you see a SecondaryMap<Value, Foo>, it's associating a Foo with each value in a function. The auto-resize behavior is almost an implementation detail which we don't currently have a way to fully hide -- we don't want PrimaryMaps to have to maintain lists of associated SecondaryMaps to update when they resize.

EntityMap and AttributeMap would also make sense to me.

view this post on Zulip Wasmtime GitHub notifications bot (Apr 24 2020 at 08:03):

bnjbvr commented on Issue #1583:

I like EntityMap and AttributeMap too. I think the original naming may come from the entity-component-system world, where "secondary" data structures hold external information about entities, as Dan describes.

(And a Vector is effectively one way to implement a Map of integer indexes to something, so the Map component in the name seems to make sense here.)

Last updated: Feb 28 2025 at 03:10 UTC