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Topic: cranelift / Issue #1219 Verifier(?) bug in divert-heavy f...

view this post on Zulip GitHub (Jan 24 2020 at 19:26):

iximeow commented on Issue #1219:

Basic blocks are no longer optional, so this error is no longer reachable.

view this post on Zulip GitHub (Jan 24 2020 at 19:26):

iximeow closed Issue #1219 (assigned to iximeow):

First, some clif:

; guest_func_73448
function u0:73448(i64 vmctx, i32, i32) -> i32 system_v {
    gv0 = vmctx
    heap0 = static gv0, min 0x0052_0000, bound 0x0052_0000, offset_guard 0x0040_0000, index_type i32

                                ebb0(v0: i64, v1: i32, v2: i32):
                                    v14 -> v1
                                    v22 -> v2
@15eb1d7                            v12 = iconst.i32 0
@15eb1db                            v13 = iconst.i32 0
@15eb1df                            jump ebb11(v12, v13)

                                ebb11(v25: i32, v110: i32):
@15eb2c3                            v102 = iconst.i32 12
@15eb2c5                            v103 = sdiv v110, v102
@15eb2ce                            brnz v25, ebb2
@15eb2d4                            brnz v110, ebb13
@15eb2d8                            v108 = iconst.i32 4
@15eb2da                            v109 = iadd v25, v108
@15eb2df                            v111 = iconst.i32 1
@15eb2e1                            v112 = iadd v110, v111
@15eb2e6                            v113 = heap_addr.i64 heap0, v22, 1
@15eb2e6                            v114 = load.i32 v113+4
@15eb2e9                            v115 = icmp sge v112, v114
@15eb2e9                            v116 = bint.i32 v115
@15eb2ea                            brnz v116, ebb10(v14)
@15eb2ec                            jump ebb11(v109, v112)

@15eb30b                            trap unreachable

                                ebb10(v121: i32):
@15eb315                            return v121

@15eb3fd                            trap unreachable

(EDIT: Missed the closing } in this clif at first!)

when built through clif-util, like: ./target/debug/clif-util compile --target x86_64 -D the_file.clif, this produces a verifier error as a result of what looks like a regalloc bug.

clif-util's output, including the reported error:

     Running `target/debug/clif-util compile --target x86_64 -D ../yosys-lucetc-issue_0.4.1_guest_func_73448.clif`
function u0:73448(i64 vmctx [%rdi], i32 [%rsi], i32 [%rdx]) -> i32 [%rax] system_v {
    gv0 = vmctx
    heap0 = static gv0, min 0x0052_0000, bound 0x0052_0000, offset_guard 0x0040_0000, index_type i32

                                ebb0(v0: i64 [%rdi], v1: i32 [%rsi], v2: i32 [%rdx]):
                                    v126 -> v0
                                    v14 -> v1
                                    v22 -> v2
@15eb1d7 [RexOp1pu_id#b8,%rax]      v12 = iconst.i32 0
@15eb1db [RexOp1pu_id#b8,%rcx]      v13 = iconst.i32 0
@15eb1df [Op1jmpb#eb]               jump ebb11(v12, v13)

                                ebb11(v25: i32 [%rax], v110: i32 [%rcx]):
@15eb2c3 [RexOp1pu_id#b8,%rbx]      v102 = iconst.i32 12
@15eb2c5 [RexOp1umr#89,%r8]         v127 = copy v110
@15eb2c5 [RexOp1r_ib#70c1,%r8]      v122 = sshr_imm v127, 31
@15eb2c5 [RexOp1umr#89,%r9]         v128 = copy v110
@15eb2c5 [RexOp1rmov#89]            regmove.i32 v2, %rdx -> %r10
@15eb2c5 [RexOp1rmov#89]            regmove v122, %r8 -> %rdx
@15eb2c5 [RexOp1rmov#89]            regmove.i32 v2, %r10 -> %r8
@15eb2c5 [RexOp1rmov#89]            regmove v25, %rax -> %r10
@15eb2c5 [RexOp1rmov#89]            regmove v128, %r9 -> %rax
@15eb2c5 [RexOp1rmov#89]            regmove v25, %r10 -> %r9
@15eb2c5 [RexOp1div#70f7,%rax,%rdx] v103, v123 = x86_sdivmodx v128, v122, v102
@15eb2ce [RexOp1tjccb#75]           brnz v25, ebb2
@15eb2d4 [RexOp1tjccb#75]           brnz v110, ebb13
@15eb2d8 [RexOp1pu_id#b8,%rax]      v108 = iconst.i32 4
@15eb2da [RexOp1rmov#89]            regmove v25, %r9 -> %rbx
; error: inst37: inconsistent with global location %rax (regmove.i32 v25, %9 -> %3)

@15eb2da [RexOp1rr#01,%rbx]         v109 = iadd v25, v108
@15eb2df [RexOp1pu_id#b8,%rax]      v111 = iconst.i32 1
@15eb2e1 [RexOp1rr#01,%rcx]         v112 = iadd v110, v111
@15eb2e6 [RexOp1icscc_id#7081,%rax] v124 = icmp_imm.i32 uge v2, 0x0051_fffe
@15eb2e6 [RexOp1rmov#89]            regmove.i32 v2, %r8 -> %rdx
@15eb2e6 [RexOp1t8jccb#74]          brz v124, ebb15
@15eb2e6 [Op1jmpb#eb]               jump ebb14

@15eb2e6 [Op2trap#40b]              trap heap_oob

@15eb2e6 [RexOp1umr#89,%rax]        v125 = uextend.i64 v2
@15eb2e6 [RexOp1umr#8089,%r8]       v129 = copy.i64 v0
@15eb2e6 [RexOp1rr#8001,%r8]        v113 = iadd v129, v125
@15eb2e6 [RexOp1ldDisp8#8b,%rax]    v114 = load.i32 v113+4
@15eb2e9 [RexOp1icscc#39,%rax]      v115 = icmp.i32 sge v112, v114
@15eb2e9 [RexOp2urm_noflags#4b6,%rax] v116 = bint.i32 v115
@15eb2ea [RexOp1tjccb#75]           brnz v116, ebb10(v1)
@15eb2ec [RexOp1rmov#89]            regmove.i32 v109, %rbx -> %rax
@15eb2ec [Op1jmpb#eb]               jump ebb11(v109, v112)

@15eb30b [Op2trap#40b]              trap unreachable

                                ebb10(v121: i32 [%rsi]):
@15eb315 [RexOp1rmov#89]            regmove v121, %rsi -> %rax
@15eb315 [Op1ret#c3]                return v121

@15eb3fd [Op2trap#40b]              trap unreachable

; 1 verifier error detected (see above). Compilation aborted.

This is a minimization of a bug reported in lucet, - I've only tried this with a few cranelift versions (0.46.1, 0.43.0, plus another older one which I don't recall).

The important pieces here are, I think, the sdivmulx on a basic block parameter, which is fairly constrained and forces several values to move around, and a subsequent regmove:

@15eb2da [RexOp1rmov#89]            regmove v25, %r9 -> %rbx
; error: inst37: inconsistent with global location %rax (regmove.i32 v25, %9 -> %3)

It looks like the verifier is expecting v25 to end up in rax after the last assignment in the basic block, but it's in rbx instead, resulting in the error.

Last updated: Oct 23 2024 at 20:03 UTC