Hi all -- we're thinking of cutting the next release soon. Is there anything that would be nice to get in before we do so? @Alex Crichton @Andrew Brown @fitzgen (he/him) @Anton Kirilov @Peter Huene
@Johnnie Birch might have the x64 SIMD lowerings done or almost done?
It looks like we're really close: https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/blob/65378422bff127caed970eadb7bc9ac113d51335/build.rs#L193-L195
there's https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/pull/3031 still pending that handles the pairwise adds
Nothing I can think of I want to still get in, so fine by me to do whenever :+1:
but if we don't have an implementation for the other bit (int-to-int extend) I don't think we necessarily have to delay release to have full SIMD on x64 this time around; we can certainly cut another release when we have SIMD complete
true, it shouldn't really block anything; Johnnie is in a meeting right now but he can comment in a bit... my impression, though, is that he has PRs up for the remaining instructions and they just need to be reviewed, fixed, and merged
I think arm64 should be complete after https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/pull/3070
I'm good with a release :thumbs_up:
@Andrew Brown sounds good, will wait to hear from @Johnnie Birch to confirm either way
It might make sense to have this be the "last release before SIMD" and then the next one brings in aarch64 and x64 SIMD at the same time
er I misread, that PR for arm64 was for extmul, not extadd, so disregard me
(although selfishly I'd love to have a simd release for wasmtime so we can advertise that simd rust binaries can be run in wasmtime)
We're very close either way
nothing I'm aware of!
I went ahead and created https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/pull/3123 to get CI running but will still wait to hear on SIMD from @Johnnie Birch before merging
Now that x64 Wasm SIMD is complete, I'm going to go ahead and update the release PR and drive this forward
unless there are any new objections :-)
Merged and pushed the tag; working on uploading crates now
Crates uploaded, release done! Binary builds are going on GitHub CI right now.
Can I request a wasmtime-go release soonish, too? Please =)
Oh right indeed!
just saw the release -- thank you! :tada:
Last updated: Feb 27 2025 at 23:03 UTC