@Chris Fallin are you able to look into the pcc fuzz bugs that cropped up over the weekend? Looking at the fuzz stats our main fuzzers of differential/instantiate/instantiate-many/api-calls are all ~50% fuzz time I suspect b/c of the pcc fuzz bugs found, so if it looks like it may take awhile to fix it might be good to disable pcc in fuzzing temporarily?
Ah, yes, I hadn't triaged that part of my inbox yet
if not trivial to fix I'll go ahead and turn off
actually I don't see any, sorry
https://oss-fuzz.com/testcase-detail/5204318833672192 looks like a bug during execution
likewise here https://oss-fuzz.com/testcase-detail/5593573447761920
are you seeing something with a PCC error?
(I only see emails for those two, plus one you replied to with a fix, this weekend)
Active ones I see here are:
what the heck, I never got an email for the first four of those
I guess I'll bookmark this view...
hm maybe check spam? You're listed on https://bugs.chromium.org/p/oss-fuzz/issues/detail?id=67436 in the cc list
or at least a gmail-looking thing which probably has your address
and searching oss-fuzz 67436 shows me no mail
so I guess ping me if something comes in for me :-/
(for onlookers / other oss-fuzz recipients, mystery solved: Google Mail thinks Google OSS-Fuzz is spam shrug)
Last updated: Feb 27 2025 at 23:03 UTC