Is it possible to create an instance that has the symbols for all added modules exposed? In particualar, I have modules that share an address space, but all have there own versions of the same API. I would like to be able to call them in sequence, one function, e.g. "compute", generating output for the next, and so on. However, when I link together ansd then create an instance it only has the final modules exports.
Here is the outline of code for building the instance:
let mut linker = Linker::new(&store);
// add all but module 0 to the linker, ready for linking with module 0
for i in 1..wasm_bytes.len() {
let module = Module::new(store.engine(), &wasm_bytes[i][..])?;
let module_name = [MODULE_PREFIX, &i.to_string()].join("_");
linker.module(&module_name, &module)?;
// now link with module 0
let module = Module::new(store.engine(), &wasm_bytes[0][..])?;
let instance = linker.instantiate(&module)?;
and if we now enumerate the names we only get those from module 0:
println!("printing names:");
for e in instance.exports() {
println!("name: {}",;
@cuberoo_ I don't think that's natively exposed right now, but you can always instantiate modules yourself and create a hash map of th exports
@Alex Crichton thanks. is it the case that if each module uses the same store that they will have a shared address space or is it possible that they might have buffers allocated at shared "addresses"? For example, if module A has a global AG and module B a global BG, can B write to AG, given an index provided by A, and so on?
that's up to you and how you set up the linear memories, wasmtime itself just does what you ask it
e.g. in this case it sounds like you want all the modules importing the same memory
ok cool. thanks
Last updated: Feb 27 2025 at 23:03 UTC