Hi, I try to understand the way how async is implemented in wasmtime, and got some questions:
How to impl async in wasm guest? From the WASI API, it looks like
is the primitive to build an event loop. If this is
true, is there any existing crate that already implement it and
provide async interface? I found tokio/mio seems to have limited
support, but not sure about others.
What's the difference between host side func.call_async
in terms of use case? Assuming the function being
called in wasm guest is going to run an event loop.
call_async allows pausing the entire wasm guest if a future isn't ready in a way transparent for the wasm guest. poll_oneoff is when the guest itself needs to do multiple async things at once.
if a future isn't ready
Is the future on the guest side? How does guest yield if it got a pending future?
There isn't yet a general purpose way for guests to yield. Async support for guests is planned but not yet started afaik
You could build your own, but its mostly unrelated to wasmtime's async support
One thing you can do with wasmtime's async is yield from a host-defined import, e.g. if you have a call stack (host) -> (guest) -> (host), that last host function can yield which will propogate all the way back to the first host function, but it all looks synchronous to the guest
... will propogate all the way back to the first host function, but it all looks synchronous to the guest
I see, guess that's the purpose of those Linker::func_wrapX_async
the above is all correct. basically, if you configure your engine to be async, you need to use func.call_async
and Linker::func_wrapX_async
but its only asyncness in terms of allowing host code to await on futures.
when you initialize wasi-common using the wasi-tokio
crate's WasiCtxBuilder, you will get an underlying implementation of poll_oneoff
that polls a set of tokio futures corresponding to the files and timeouts its waiting on
otoh, the corresponding implementation in wasi-cap-std-sync
will run std::thread::sleep()
to wait on a timeout
as well as a blocking call to poll(2)
to wait on file readiness
so, basically, if you want to use async and wasi, depend on wasmtime-wasi = { version = "whatever", default-features=false, features = ["tokio"] }
and then use wasmtime_wasi::tokio::WasiCtxBuilder
to build your wasi ctx.
of course, this isnt general to all async rust, it will panic if its not running on top of tokio.
Yeah, Fortran certainly adds an interesting challenge. I have no idea what the state of the art for Fortran-to-Wasm is. Good luck! Let me know if you get stuck and need a second pair of eyes on it.
Ugh, disregard the above -- wrong stream -- I'm still bad a Zulip.
where was fortran supposed to go? because now you got me interested!!!
Last updated: Feb 27 2025 at 23:03 UTC