Stream: wasmtime

Topic: Deploying components with wasmtime-py in production

view this post on Zulip Catherine (whitequark) (Apr 03 2024 at 21:09):

As is usual for me, I'm an early adopter of the ComponentizeJS and wasmtime-py's component in the YoWASP project. So far it's been going really well but I'm a bit worried about the intersection of wasmtime's (lack of) backwards compatibility contract, and the apparent need to ship generated code in built Python distributions (wheels).

I've described my concerns in an issue but I also want to raise them here for increased visibility, since it's currently not something I see an easy resolution for and I'd really want to use components heavily in my Wasm work.

What is the compatibility contract for bindings generated by wasmtime.bindgen? Put differently, can I put the generated files into a wheel file or not? If bindings generated with wasmtime-py X.0.0 ...

Last updated: Oct 23 2024 at 20:03 UTC