I believe that Zulip now supports making streams publicly readable to users without accounts ("web-public"). As an example, the Rust Zulip has done so for its streams. Are there any objections to doing the same for this server?
Not sure, who is the right person to ping about this but maybe @Alex Crichton or @Chris Fallin ?
@Till Schneidereit is the owner of this zulip. No one else has admin permission it seems.
thank you for bringing this up, @bstrie, and for pinging me, @bjorn3 ! I agree that it makes sense to make the public streams web-public, and will do so if nobody objects with good arguments by the end of the coming week :smile:
I'm fine with making everything web public.
Till Schneidereit said:
thank you for bringing this up, bstrie, and for pinging me, bjorn3 ! I agree that it makes sense to make the public streams web-public, and will do so if nobody objects with good arguments by the end of the coming week :)
Any news?
Till Schneidereit said:
I agree that it makes sense to make the public streams web-public, and will do so if nobody objects with good arguments by the end of the coming week :)
can you make it public whenever you read this? it's been several months...
@Bobby Holley and @David Bryant -- since you're apparently the owners of this zulip instance, can you change the public streams to web-public? @Till Schneidereit apparently intended to but never got around to it and apparently doesn't have the permissions necessary...
@Jacob Lifshay I've switched the "general" stream to web-public. Let me know if there are further issues!
@Bobby Holley would it be ok to make a similar change to the other public channels here? (e.g. #cranelift, #wasm, #wasmtime, etc)
Last updated: Mar 07 2025 at 03:11 UTC