I'm trying to get some simple PDF functionality going with WASI. With some very small alterations, I was able to build pdfio. Unfortunately, when I try to build my component:
/opt/wasi-sdk/bin/clang -target wasm32-wasip2 -mexec-model=reactor -D_WASI_EMULATED_MMAN -lwasi-emulated-mman pdf.c hello_world.c pdf_component_type.o libz.a -lpdfio -o hello_world.wasm
I get this error:
wasm-ld: error: /tmp/hello_world-ccb71f.o: undefined symbol: memfd_create
I'm using the latest wasi-sdk DEB. Does it need to be rebuilt so that -D_WASI_EMULATED_MMAN will work? The PDF library is built around having a file descriptor.
memfd_create isn’t part of mman emulation, it’s a different sort of Linux interface - it creates an anonymous file that resides in ram as opposed to a filesystem, but behaves as a file. It has a lot of uses in Linux but typically it’s for creating memory shared between multiple processes, which won’t really be applicable in wasi.
From your repo it looks like you’re porting this library to wasi so I’d start by examining the way configure is determining whether memfd is available or not and trying to turn it off that way - since this library doesn’t indicate its Linux only it probably has ways to build without memfd
The PDF library needs a filehandle and I have the PDF in memory. I haven't written anything in C since 2012, so I'm unsure how to give it a filehandle to the PDF.
This is true of basically all PDF libraries. They were written to conserve memory for large PDFs, so they allocate small buffers and free them as needed.
If memfd_create won't work, I'm open to anything else.
Thanks for responding BTW
ok, understood. in that case you may have to add your own memfd emulation to wasi-libc
OK. I'll give it a shot. Thanks!
memfd is a syscall because fds can be sent between linux processes, but since thats not the case in wasi it can be implemented in userland
but before diving into that id try to understand what the library falls back on when memfd_create isnt available
when you say you have the pdf in memory, is providing it via wasi filesystem an option?
is it in the hosts memory or did you already move it to / create it in the guest linear memory
if its in the hosts memory you could either write it to a real host filesystem tmp file, or swap out wasmtime-wasi's wasi-filesystem imports for a very limited in-memory fs. if the pdf was created/loaded in the guests memory, you could mount a tmpdir to wasi-filesystem, and write it to the file.
It's being sent via a POST request. It's coming through exports_wasi_http_incoming_handler_handle
. So it's already in memory.
This is just a POC. At some point we could probably stream pages.
ok, got it. well, your fastest path to a POC is to have a tmpdir in your preopens, write it to a file, and pass it to your pdf lib that way.
OK. So use wasi-filesystem. Does wasmtime provide that out of the box?
yeah definitely
if you're using the cli, --dir
will allow you to provide a host fs dir as a preopen
if you wrote your own rust embedding the equivalent is in WasiCtxBuilder
OK. Thanks again.
Last updated: Feb 28 2025 at 03:10 UTC