Hi, I am looking on how can use AOT compilation for Wasmtime ( We have tried in Lucet AOT).. trying to find some thing similar in Wasmtime. I could find any info in wasmtime documentation w.r.to AOT. can any one point to me?
No docs at this moment. I'm helping with the similar thing.
Thanks Yury for the quick response. It would be great, if you can let me know how to that.. or any clues
I have https://github.com/yurydelendik/wasmtime/tree/aot-ftw-1 if you want just to play, but eventually we want to: a) disconnect JIT from runtime, b) add Wasmtime API for that
Thanks.. Lemme have a look at it.
I did glance through: https://github.com/yurydelendik/wasmtime/tree/aot-ftw-1. Looks promising. Are you looking any timelines for this to integrate into wasmtime?
Depends on results of our internal evaluation. At the moment there are no timelines.
Thanks for letting me know. Let me also explore/test further.
as part of the Lucet team efforts to merge all our useful differences into wasmtime, @Peter Huene is working on this right now as well
It differs a little from Yury's work that involves ELF objects. The idea behind this work is to have a wasmtime command that will spit out a precompiled "artifact" (not an ELF so, like lucetc outputs) which can be run with the wasmtime CLI or API; the artifact in this case is pretty much identical to what we cache locally to speed up later runs today, but isn't constrained by the local architecture or CPU features (flags to the compile command will determine architecture and features). the goal is to allow for no JIT to occur at runtime (in fact, there will likely be work to conditionally remove JIT support from the runtime with a feature flag).
Extracted https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/pull/2804 from my branch/example. It has recommended improvements for wasm2obj only. I would like some feedback.
I started taking a look at this today but got distracted, sorry about that!
I'll try to finish up reviewing tomorrow
Last updated: Feb 28 2025 at 02:27 UTC