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1import unittest
3from wasmtime import *
6class TestInstance(unittest.TestCase):
7 def test_smoke(self):
8 store = Store()
9 module = Module(store.engine, '(module)')
10 Instance(store, module, [])
12 def test_export_func(self):
13 store = Store()
14 module = Module(store.engine, '(module (func (export "")))')
15 instance = Instance(store, module, [])
16 self.assertEqual(len(instance.exports(store)), 1)
17 extern = instance.exports(store).by_index[0]
18 assert(isinstance(extern, Func))
19 assert(isinstance(extern.type(store), FuncType))
21 extern(store)
23 assert(instance.exports(store)[''] is not None)
24 with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
25 instance.exports(store)['x']
26 with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
27 instance.exports(store).by_index[100]
28 assert(instance.exports(store).get('x') is None)
30 def test_export_global(self):
31 store = Store()
32 module = Module(
33 store.engine, '(module (global (export "") i32 (i32.const 3)))')
34 instance = Instance(store, module, [])
35 self.assertEqual(len(instance.exports(store)), 1)
36 extern = instance.exports(store).by_index[0]
37 assert(isinstance(extern, Global))
38 self.assertEqual(extern.value(store), 3)
39 assert(isinstance(extern.type(store), GlobalType))
41 def test_export_memory(self):
42 store = Store()
43 module = Module(store.engine, '(module (memory (export "") 1))')
44 instance = Instance(store, module, [])
45 self.assertEqual(len(instance.exports(store)), 1)
46 extern = instance.exports(store).by_index[0]
47 assert(isinstance(extern, Memory))
48 self.assertEqual(extern.size(store), 1)
50 def test_export_table(self):
51 store = Store()
52 module = Module(store.engine, '(module (table (export "") 1 funcref))')
53 instance = Instance(store, module, [])
54 self.assertEqual(len(instance.exports(store)), 1)
55 extern = instance.exports(store).by_index[0]
56 assert(isinstance(extern, Table))
58 def test_multiple_exports(self):
59 store = Store()
60 module = Module(store.engine, """
61 (module
62 (func (export "a"))
63 (func (export "b"))
64 (global (export "c") i32 (i32.const 0))
65 )
66 """)
67 instance = Instance(store, module, [])
68 exports = instance.exports(store)
69 self.assertEqual(len(exports), 3)
70 assert isinstance(exports.by_index[0], Func)
71 assert isinstance(exports.by_index[1], Func)
72 assert isinstance(exports.by_index[2], Global)
73 # Test that exports acts like a normal map
74 assert "a" in exports
75 assert "b" in exports
76 assert "d" not in exports
77 assert set(exports) == {"a", "b", "c"}
78 assert set(exports.values()) == set(exports.by_index)
79 assert exports.get("d", 7) == 7
80 assert isinstance(exports.get("b", 7), Func)
82 def test_import_func(self):
83 store = Store()
84 module = Module(store.engine, """
85 (module
86 (import "" "" (func))
87 (start 0)
88 )
89 """)
90 hit = []
91 func = Func(store, FuncType([], []), lambda: hit.append(True))
92 Instance(store, module, [func])
93 assert(len(hit) == 1)
94 Instance(store, module, [func])
95 assert(len(hit) == 2)
97 def test_import_global(self):
98 store = Store()
99 module = Module(store.engine, """
100 (module
101 (import "" "" (global (mut i32)))
102 (func (export "") (result i32)
103 global.get 0)
104 (func (export "update")
105 i32.const 5
106 global.set 0)
107 )
108 """)
109 g = Global(store, GlobalType(ValType.i32(), True), 2)
110 instance = Instance(store, module, [g])
111 f = instance.exports(store).by_index[0]
112 assert(isinstance(f, Func))
114 self.assertEqual(f(store), 2)
115 g.set_value(store, 4)
116 self.assertEqual(f(store), 4)
118 instance2 = Instance(store, module, [g])
119 f2 = instance2.exports(store).by_index[0]
120 assert(isinstance(f2, Func))
121 self.assertEqual(f(store), 4)
122 self.assertEqual(f2(store), 4)
124 update = instance.exports(store).by_index[1]
125 assert(isinstance(update, Func))
126 update(store)
127 self.assertEqual(f(store), 5)
128 self.assertEqual(f2(store), 5)
130 def test_import_memory(self):
131 store = Store()
132 module = Module(store.engine, """
133 (module
134 (import "" "" (memory 1))
135 )
136 """)
137 m = Memory(store, MemoryType(Limits(1, None)))
138 Instance(store, module, [m])
140 def test_import_table(self):
141 store = Store()
142 module = Module(store.engine, """
143 (module
144 (table (export "") 1 funcref)
145 )
146 """)
147 table = Instance(store, module, []).exports(store).by_index[0]
149 module = Module(store.engine, """
150 (module
151 (import "" "" (table 1 funcref))
152 )
153 """)
154 Instance(store, module, [table])
156 def test_invalid(self):
157 store = Store()
158 with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
159 Instance(store, 1, []) # type: ignore
160 with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
161 Instance(store, Module(store.engine, '(module (import "" "" (func)))'), [1]) # type: ignore
163 val = Func(store, FuncType([], []), lambda: None)
164 module = Module(store.engine, '(module (import "" "" (func)))')
165 Instance(store, module, [val])
166 with self.assertRaises(WasmtimeError):
167 Instance(store, module, [])
168 with self.assertRaises(WasmtimeError):
169 Instance(store, module, [val, val])
171 module = Module(store.engine, '(module (import "" "" (global i32)))')
172 with self.assertRaises(WasmtimeError):
173 Instance(store, module, [val])
175 def test_start_trap(self):
176 store = Store()
177 module = Module(store.engine, '(module (func unreachable) (start 0))')
178 with self.assertRaises(Trap):
179 Instance(store, module, [])