Coverage for wasmtime/ 96%
163 statements
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1from contextlib import contextmanager
2from ctypes import POINTER, byref, CFUNCTYPE, c_void_p, cast
3import ctypes
4from wasmtime import Store, FuncType, Val, Trap, WasmtimeError
5from . import _ffi as ffi
6from ._extern import wrap_extern
7from typing import Callable, Optional, Generic, TypeVar, List, Union, Tuple, cast as cast_type, Sequence, Any
8from ._exportable import AsExtern
9from ._store import Storelike
12T = TypeVar('T')
13FUNCTIONS: "Slab[Tuple]"
14LAST_EXCEPTION: Optional[Exception] = None
17class Func:
18 _func: ffi.wasmtime_func_t
20 def __init__(self, store: Storelike, ty: FuncType, func: Callable, access_caller: bool = False):
21 """
22 Creates a new func in `store` with the given `ty` which calls the closure
23 given
25 The `func` is called with the parameters natively and they'll have native
26 Python values rather than being wrapped in `Val`. If `access_caller` is
27 set to `True` then the first argument given to `func` is an instance of
28 type `Caller` below.
29 """
31 if not isinstance(store, Store):
32 raise TypeError("expected a Store")
33 if not isinstance(ty, FuncType):
34 raise TypeError("expected a FuncType")
35 idx = FUNCTIONS.allocate((func, ty.results, access_caller))
36 _func = ffi.wasmtime_func_t()
37 ffi.wasmtime_func_new(
38 store._context(),
39 ty.ptr(),
40 trampoline,
41 idx,
42 finalize,
43 byref(_func))
44 self._func = _func
46 @classmethod
47 def _from_raw(cls, func: ffi.wasmtime_func_t) -> "Func":
48 ty: "Func" = cls.__new__(cls)
49 ty._func = func
50 return ty
52 def type(self, store: Storelike) -> FuncType:
53 """
54 Gets the type of this func as a `FuncType`
55 """
56 ptr = ffi.wasmtime_func_type(store._context(), byref(self._func))
57 return FuncType._from_ptr(ptr, None)
59 def __call__(self, store: Storelike, *params: Any) -> Any:
60 """
61 Calls this function with the given parameters
63 Parameters can either be a `Val` or a native python value which can be
64 converted to a `Val` of the corresponding correct type
66 Returns `None` if this func has 0 return types
67 Returns a single value if the func has 1 return type
68 Returns a list if the func has more than 1 return type
70 Note that you can also use the `__call__` method and invoke a `Func` as
71 if it were a function directly.
72 """
74 ty = self.type(store)
75 param_tys = ty.params
76 if len(params) > len(param_tys):
77 raise WasmtimeError("too many parameters provided: given %s, expected %s" %
78 (len(params), len(param_tys)))
79 if len(params) < len(param_tys):
80 raise WasmtimeError("too few parameters provided: given %s, expected %s" %
81 (len(params), len(param_tys)))
83 params_ptr = (ffi.wasmtime_val_t * len(params))()
84 params_set = 0
85 try:
86 for val in params:
87 params_ptr[params_set] = Val._convert_to_raw(store, param_tys[params_set], val)
88 params_set += 1
90 result_tys = ty.results
91 results_ptr = (ffi.wasmtime_val_t * len(result_tys))()
93 with enter_wasm(store) as trap:
94 error = ffi.wasmtime_func_call(
95 store._context(),
96 byref(self._func),
97 params_ptr,
98 len(params),
99 results_ptr,
100 len(result_tys),
101 trap)
102 if error:
103 raise WasmtimeError._from_ptr(error)
104 finally:
105 for i in range(0, params_set):
106 ffi.wasmtime_val_unroot(store._context(), byref(params_ptr[i]))
108 results = []
109 for i in range(0, len(result_tys)):
110 results.append(Val._from_raw(store, results_ptr[i]).value)
111 if len(results) == 0:
112 return None
113 elif len(results) == 1:
114 return results[0]
115 else:
116 return results
118 def _as_extern(self) -> ffi.wasmtime_extern_t:
119 union = ffi.wasmtime_extern_union(func=self._func)
120 return ffi.wasmtime_extern_t(ffi.WASMTIME_EXTERN_FUNC, union)
123class Caller:
124 __ptr: "Optional[ctypes._Pointer[ffi.wasmtime_caller_t]]"
125 __context: "Optional[ctypes._Pointer[ffi.wasmtime_context_t]]"
127 def __init__(self, ptr: "ctypes._Pointer[ffi.wasmtime_caller_t]"):
128 self.__ptr = ptr
129 self.__context = ffi.wasmtime_caller_context(ptr)
131 def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> AsExtern:
132 """
133 Looks up an export with `name` on the calling module.
135 If `name` isn't defined on the calling module, or if the caller has gone
136 away for some reason, then this will raise a `KeyError`. For more
137 information about when this could fail see the `get` method which
138 returns `None` on failure.
139 """
141 ret = self.get(name)
142 if ret is None:
143 raise KeyError("failed to find export {}".format(name))
144 return ret
146 def get(self, name: str) -> Optional[AsExtern]:
147 """
148 Looks up an export with `name` on the calling module.
150 May return `None` if the export isn't found, if it's not a memory (for
151 now), or if the caller has gone away and this `Caller` object has
152 persisted too long.
153 """
155 # First convert to a raw name so we can typecheck our argument
156 name_bytes = name.encode('utf-8')
157 name_buf = ffi.create_string_buffer(name_bytes)
159 # Next see if we've been invalidated
160 if self.__ptr is None:
161 return None
163 # And if we're not invalidated we can perform the actual lookup
164 item = ffi.wasmtime_extern_t()
165 ok = ffi.wasmtime_caller_export_get(self.__ptr, name_buf, len(name_bytes), byref(item))
166 if ok:
167 return wrap_extern(item)
168 else:
169 return None
171 def _context(self) -> "ctypes._Pointer[ffi.wasmtime_context_t]":
172 if self.__context is None:
173 raise ValueError("caller is no longer valid")
174 return self.__context
176 def _invalidate(self) -> None:
177 self.__ptr = None
178 self.__context = None
181def extract_val(val: Val) -> Any:
182 a = val.value
183 if a is not None:
184 return a
185 return val
189def trampoline(idx, caller, params, nparams, results, nresults): # type: ignore
190 caller = Caller(caller)
191 try:
192 func, result_tys, access_caller = FUNCTIONS.get(idx or 0)
193 pyparams = []
194 if access_caller:
195 pyparams.append(caller)
197 for i in range(0, nparams):
198 pyparams.append(Val._from_raw(caller, params[i], owned=False).value)
199 pyresults = func(*pyparams)
200 if nresults == 0:
201 if pyresults is not None:
202 raise WasmtimeError(
203 "callback produced results when it shouldn't")
204 elif nresults == 1:
205 results[0] = Val._convert_to_raw(caller, result_tys[0], pyresults)
206 else:
207 if len(pyresults) != nresults:
208 raise WasmtimeError("callback produced wrong number of results")
209 for i, result in enumerate(pyresults):
210 results[i] = Val._convert_to_raw(caller, result_tys[i], result)
211 return 0
212 except Exception as e:
215 trap = Trap("python exception")._consume()
216 return cast(trap, c_void_p).value
217 finally:
218 caller._invalidate()
221@CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p)
222def finalize(idx): # type: ignore
223 FUNCTIONS.deallocate(idx or 0)
226class Slab(Generic[T]):
227 list: List[Union[int, T]]
228 next: int
230 def __init__(self) -> None:
231 self.list = []
232 = 0
234 def allocate(self, val: T) -> int:
235 idx =
237 if len(self.list) == idx:
238 self.list.append(0)
239 += 1
240 else:
241 = cast_type(int, self.list[idx])
243 self.list[idx] = val
244 return idx
246 def get(self, idx: int) -> T:
247 return cast_type(T, self.list[idx])
249 def deallocate(self, idx: int) -> None:
250 self.list[idx] =
251 = idx
254FUNCTIONS = Slab()
258def enter_wasm(store: Storelike): # type: ignore
259 try:
260 trap = POINTER(ffi.wasm_trap_t)()
261 yield byref(trap)
262 if trap:
263 trap_obj = Trap._from_ptr(trap)
264 maybe_raise_last_exn()
265 raise trap_obj
266 except WasmtimeError:
267 maybe_raise_last_exn()
268 raise
271def maybe_raise_last_exn() -> None:
273 if LAST_EXCEPTION is None:
274 return
277 raise exn