Manual Wasm instantiation with WASI Overrides
When a Wasm component depends on functionality provided by WASI, the jco transpile
produces a WebAssembly
module that can be loaded from NodeJS or the Browser that includes usages of unresolved imports like wasi:random/random
Normally, WASI imports that need to be sourced from elsewhere would be mapped, using the
option to jco transpile
These instructions are for when mapping is insufficient or implementations must be redirected or changed at instantiation time.
A common usage of transpilation is to map the imports to a known package, like @bytecodealliance/preview2-shim
jco transpile \
component.wasm \
--output dist/transpiled \
--map wasi:cli/*@0.2.0=@bytecodealliance/preview2-shim/cli#*
For more information, see the Map Configuration section of the Transpiling documentation
Sometimes you may want to use your own implementation of WASI interfaces (whether partial or complete), known/resolved only at instantiation time.
Using custom WASI overrides during instantiation
To use custom instantiations, we start with the ability to use the default instantiations:
import { WASIShim } from "@bytecodealliance/preview2-shim/instantiation";
async function main() {
const wasmESModule = await import("path/to/transpiled/component.js");
const component = wasmESModule.instantiate(null, new WASIShim().getImportObject());
await main();
This is identical to mapping all imports to those provided by @bytecodealliance/preview2-shim
Sometimes, when using a transpiled module produced by jco
, it's necessary to override
some of the WASI imports at instantiation time rather than when transpiling the module to begin with.
import { random } from "@bytecodealliance/preview2-shim";
import { WASIShim } from "@bytecodealliance/preview2-shim/instantiation";
async function main() {
/// Load the ES module generated by `jco transpile`
const wasmESModule = await import("path/to/transpiled/component.js");
// Build a customized WASI shim by mizing custom implementations
// and the provided implementation
const customShim = new WASIShim({
random: {
// For these two interfaces we re-use the default provided shim
random: random.random,
insecure-seed: random.insecureSeed,
// For insecure, we can supply our own custom implementation
// (in this case, one that is *VERY* insecure)
insecure: {
getInsecureRandomBytes: (len) => {
return new Uint8Array(len).fill(0);
getInsecureRandomU64: () => 42n,
// Instantiate the Wasm component's ES module
const component = wasmESModule.instantiate(null, customShim);
await main();
Using WASIShim
, you can generate your own custom implementations of WASI, making use of the published shims where