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use crate::task::{Task, TaskLocalsWrapper};
/// Returns a handle to the current task.
/// # Panics
/// This function will panic if not called within the context of a task created by [`block_on`],
/// [`spawn`], or [`Builder::spawn`].
/// [`block_on`]: fn.block_on.html
/// [`spawn`]: fn.spawn.html
/// [`Builder::spawn`]: struct.Builder.html#method.spawn
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # async_std::task::block_on(async {
/// #
/// use async_std::task;
/// println!("The name of this task is {:?}", task::current().name());
/// #
/// # })
/// ```
pub fn current() -> Task {
try_current().expect("`task::current()` called outside the context of a task")
/// Returns a handle to the current task if called within the context of a task created by [`block_on`],
/// [`spawn`], or [`Builder::spawn`], otherwise returns `None`.
/// [`block_on`]: fn.block_on.html
/// [`spawn`]: fn.spawn.html
/// [`Builder::spawn`]: struct.Builder.html#method.spawn
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use async_std::task;
/// match task::try_current() {
/// Some(t) => println!("The name of this task is {:?}",,
/// None => println!("Not inside a task!"),
/// }
/// ```
pub fn try_current() -> Option<Task> {
TaskLocalsWrapper::get_current(|t| t.task().clone())