Hello, world!

You can also browse this source code online and clone the wasmtime repository to run the example locally.

This example shows off how to instantiate a simple wasm module and interact with it. For more information about the types used here be sure to review the core concepts of the wasmtime API as well as the general API documentation.


  (func $hello (import "" "hello"))
  (func (export "run") (call $hello))


//! Small example of how to instantiate a wasm module that imports one function,
//! showing how you can fill in host functionality for a wasm module.

// You can execute this example with `cargo run --example hello`

use wasmtime::*;

struct MyState {
    name: String,
    count: usize,

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    // First the wasm module needs to be compiled. This is done with a global
    // "compilation environment" within an `Engine`. Note that engines can be
    // further configured through `Config` if desired instead of using the
    // default like this is here.
    println!("Compiling module...");
    let engine = Engine::default();
    let module = Module::from_file(&engine, "examples/hello.wat")?;

    // After a module is compiled we create a `Store` which will contain
    // instantiated modules and other items like host functions. A Store
    // contains an arbitrary piece of host information, and we use `MyState`
    // here.
    let mut store = Store::new(
        MyState {
            name: "hello, world!".to_string(),
            count: 0,

    // Our wasm module we'll be instantiating requires one imported function.
    // the function takes no parameters and returns no results. We create a host
    // implementation of that function here, and the `caller` parameter here is
    // used to get access to our original `MyState` value.
    println!("Creating callback...");
    let hello_func = Func::wrap(&mut store, |mut caller: Caller<'_, MyState>| {
        println!("Calling back...");
        println!("> {}", caller.data().name);
        caller.data_mut().count += 1;

    // Once we've got that all set up we can then move to the instantiation
    // phase, pairing together a compiled module as well as a set of imports.
    // Note that this is where the wasm `start` function, if any, would run.
    println!("Instantiating module...");
    let imports = [hello_func.into()];
    let instance = Instance::new(&mut store, &module, &imports)?;

    // Next we poke around a bit to extract the `run` function from the module.
    println!("Extracting export...");
    let run = instance.get_typed_func::<(), ()>(&mut store, "run")?;

    // And last but not least we can call it!
    println!("Calling export...");
    run.call(&mut store, ())?;
