Getting started

The easiest way to get started with the Lucet toolchain is by using the provided Docker-based development environment.

This repository includes a Dockerfile to build a complete environment for compiling and running WebAssembly code with Lucet, but you shouldn't have to use Docker commands directly. A set of shell scripts with the devenv_ prefix are used to manage the container.

Setting up the environment

  1. The Lucet repository uses Git submodules. Make sure they are checked out by running git submodule update --init --recursive.

  2. Install and run the docker service. We do not support podman at this time. On macOS, Docker for Mac is an option.

  3. Once Docker is running, in a terminal at the root of the cloned repository, run: source (This command requires the current shell to be zsh, ksh or bash). After a couple minutes, the Docker image is built and a new container is run.

  4. Check that new commands are now available:

lucetc --help

You're now all set! You can now compile and run a "Hello World" using Lucet.

Top-level scripts for the Docker environment

  • ./ rebuilds the container image. This is never required unless you edit the Dockerfile.
  • ./ [<command>] [<arg>...] runs a command in the container. If a command is not provided, an interactive shell is spawned. In this container, Lucet tools are installed in /opt/lucet by default. The command source /opt/lucet/bin/ can be used to initialize the environment.
  • ./ and ./ start and stop the container.